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Dear All,
Modern Feng and the evolution of Vehicle Safety Standard (C) Cecil Lee
1. I have thought very long about issuing this concept which I term " Vehicle Safety Concept ".
2. In the 1950's suddenly there was a surge in the car population. Vehicles were getting faster.
3. And there were more fatalities from car accidents than any other form of transportation.
4. It was sad because, if cars at that time had some safety features, many drivers and passengers would have survied and many would also live a ripeful age. Or be in their 70's or 80's today.
5. During accidents at that time, passengers were flung out of the cars; side doors also burst open, drivers crushed by the engine block that smashed thru as there were no collapsible steering wheel.
5. Because of the high rate or incidence of fatal accidents involving cars; first was Swedish firm Volvo who first came up with the one point safety belt.
6. Later, more enhancements were made such as templex or shatter resistant glass, accident absorbing chasis body, air-bags etc...
7. We can draw a parallel of the evolution of the car from being unsafe to safe.
8. I can say for sure that modern appreciation of Feng Shui started around mid-1980s and is the craze today!
9. It is good for you to either remember some of the points below and also caution your family members and close friends of the following:-
9.1. Fix-the-leak!, First.
This is like adding safety features. Similar to modern cars with air-bags, low speed absorbing bumpers, side air-bags and collapsible body frame with crush zones that can absorb impacts.
9.2. Build a solid foundation of all major key principles and concepts.
9.3. Many us would instead ignore or do not look for leaks, first. But rather, go for the easier route of buying things that were recommended to them like: 3-legged toad etc...
9.4 Many Feng Shui practitioners want to supplement their income (they can earn quite a substantial amount) by selling e.g. wind chimes, wealth bowl etc...
9.5 For example, the costs of making a mass produced wind chime say in China (because of cheap labour and raw materials). The cost of making it may be less than US$5 or less. But the mark-up can range from US$20 or more.
9.5 It is fair, if a geniue FS practitioner feels that you may need a wind chime, i-ching coins etc... But where possible these practitioners should preferably not sell them. As this may ulitmately lead to a conflict of interests.
10. Going forward, if we take a serious look at many Feng Shui practitioner's Feng Shui sites, we often find that they may have many many secrets.
11. And if we analyse carefully, these secrets entail the purchase of some objects such as a special type of wind chime, or a special type of abacus etc...
12. And, I believe, some of these practitioners would simply say that it will not work for you unless, you had perhaps consulted them. Only such practitioners can detect your `wealth' corner.
13. All these should be eye openers for all of us.
14. Unfortunately, many of us live in a gullible world, where we trust our money (flowing out) thru impluse or implusive buying or irrational buying behaviour.
15. This is made worse with Credit cards. Well, lets spent first and worry later!
16. I personally feel that this is not a good model.
17. We should learn a lesson from the EVOLUTION OF VEHICLE SAFETY as the evolution of modern Feng Shui practises comes close to this type of historical events.
18. For our own sake, your family members sake, your relatives, friends and colleagues, please pass the word round!
19. If all of us, do our part to promote " Feng Shui safety " ; we would be in a safer world.
20. After seeing so, so many cases of problems related to applying Feng Shui, it is always best to adopt defence, First. And enhancements, second!
You and I can certainly do our part! ... to stem the tide and eliminate the plague of this century!
Warmest Regards,
P.S. Fix-the-Leak, First! (C) Cecil Lee

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Dear Users,

In my opinion, when you want to engage a practitioner, do check further on the following:-
1. The most common ploy is to entice the user (the victim) that the practitioner (and only) the practitioner knows the SECRET of our wealth sector. Here, the practitioner wants to entice us to invite them to our home or office.
2. This is the oldest trick in the book, but yet, many will fall into this unsuspecting trap.
3. As you can see the most common ploy is to play with one's greed or hope. And this constantly revolves around enticing us of the elusive " WEALTH CORNER ".
4. The victim will usually be promised that luck will come after they had followed exactly the practitioner's instructions. But often, this does not come true.
5. Often, the `victim' will be told that the reason why it did not work was because; the victim has not properly followed the practitioner's advice or the enhancement used by the victim is not large enough.
6. Professional Feng Shui does not play with one's greed.
7. " Wealth corner " Feng Shui usually enriches the practitioner. And time will always catch up with them.
8. Going forward, you as the consumer, should understand that simply looking inwards into a house for answers is'nt exactly the best way.

9. The key success factors of applying Feng Shui are:-
9.2 All Feng Shui practitioners are NOT GOD. Only human beings. No practitioner can give promises. But, professional FS practitioners, can try to make sense out of your Feng Shui. And HOPEFULLY, help you as best as they can.
9.3 Locate leaks, first if any.
9.4 Determine whether these leaks can or cannot be fixed. If they are fatal errors, than, in the long term, try to plan to even sell your house if there is a real need.
9.5 Professional FS practitioners will try to understand your situation and apply cures or enhancement that are SANE and can work for most people.
9.6 If the cure can work for most people, logically, it should work for you. (Crossing-fingers).
9.7 Only after having done the above, then can be reasonably seek to see if we can try to make enhancements.
10. In many cases, don't wait for silly ideas of Weath corner to detract us.

11. If we are already in `deep shit' or financial trouble, we need to save as much money. And not to spent unwisely for products or figurines that merely line the pockets of the practitioner or seller of such items.
12. In such situations, the more, one should check for leaks, first!
12.1 Simple things like toilet positions e.g. centrepoint or qi leaking out of a window should be understood.
12.2 Unfortunately, some of these are fatal errors and it is best to understand that moving or planning to move out is a consideration. As this is a long term situation. Rather than falling into deeper `shit' or a vicious cycle of poverty.
13. I hope this year, would be a turning point for all of us to rally together to condone such bad practises.
14. Please go more for sensible approaches instead of going for implusive `buying'.
Caveat Emptor! Let the buyer (victim) beware!
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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