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Hi Robert, Cecil,
As mention in some mailing list that the wealth element of a earth person is water.
What is the rational behind this? Does it matter if the person is a weak or a strong earth person, and how do we make use of this "wealth" element? Does this wealth belongs to "zhen cai" or "heng cai" or something else?
Is it the element that the person's element destroy, will be the wealth element?
water person - wealth = fire
wood person - wealth = earth
fire person - wealth = metal
metal person - wealth = wood
Pls advise.

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Dear Jason,
Please read below:-
----- Original Message -----
From: Listmanager
Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 1999 11:33 PM
Subject: Wealth Elements

From: "Jason CT"
This message is sent from "free-advice" Mailing List.
Hi Robert, Cecil,
As mention in some mailing list that the wealth element of a earth person
is water.
What is the rational behind this? Does it matter if the person is a weak
or a strong earth person, and how do we make use of this "wealth" element?
Does this wealth belongs to "zhen cai" or "heng cai" or something else?

The element which you destroy is your wealth element. However, although I
can generally deduce the element is represented by it, in order to deduce
whether it is main wealth or unexpected wealth, you need to refer to the
Pillars as a condition is required to deduce it.

Is it the element that the person's element destroy, will be the wealth
water person - wealth = fire
wood person - wealth = earth
fire person - wealth = metal
metal person - wealth = wood
Generally, yes. And as I had already mentioned, you need to be strong
element before you can take advanatage of the wealth otherwise, it is the
wealth who would be a burden to you.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee

Pls advise.
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