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3-hollow rod windchime meaning?


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Dear Hoa Luong,
3 represents wood element.
Under the destructive cycle of the five elements concept:
Metal destroys wood to create wealth.
IF the windchime is made of metal, then the meaning is that "metal destroys wood" to "create wealth".
IF this is Feng Shui, then it is not a proper way of using this concept.
Under the Flying Star Feng Shui: the proper wind chime cure is the use of 6 coins (big metal) to constantly chime or make metallic sound.
What you mentioned are gimmicks: Out to draw or seduce us to buy material things.
For example, try placing 3 coins into one's purse; see if one gets luck or not. Usually, by the "end of the day" many would have just chuck this three coins aside from their wallet.
In the earlier example: because of the bad #5 or even mulitple #5 - under Flying Star, a wind chime is used to NEUTRALISE it.
Going forward: this 3 rod wind chime is not used to neutralise anything.
Just because a wind chime may be used under Feng Shui, it does not give it a blanket cover to be associated with all things Feng Shui. Instead, this is one clever marketing ploy out.
For example, it is perfectly legal to give to charity. But if a con man poses as a charity collector; and trys to collect money for `charity' but ending up in their pocket; this is a con or scam.
One would perhaps, like the most recent posting of someone getting fed-up (frustrated) with buying a figurine and end up throwing it away - broken.
Warmest Regards,

On 2/11/2003 1:56:00 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi Cecil,
Is there any meaning to a
3-hollow rods windchime?
Thank you,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Further to what I had mentioned earlier:
1. In fact, you have brought up another good example of spotting the " fake " Feng Shui.
2. Calling it " fake " is extreme. However, the more accurate word is: TOO GENERAL to be of use to most of us.
3. In many of the old forum messages: I have given examples of why Eight Aspirations or Life Aspirations or Life Association concepts are TOO GENERAL to be of use to anyone.
4. For example, the most common words are: South-West is my romance sector. North is my career sector.
5. Do search for these terms and read thru some of the messages on these concepts.
6. What is more important to each of us is to try and use concepts that can work for MOST PEOPLE, MOST of the TIME. This is the key success factor in applying Feng Shui.
Under Flying Star Feng Shui, because a sector has #5 or mulitples of it with #2 or #3 and #4; then it is crucial to try to use a cure at that sector to NEUTRALISE it.
It is because that specific sector has an imbalance (and not any other sectors) is there a need under FS to use such a cure.
8. In a case of placing 3-coins in eg the account book or in our purse - this simply TOO GENERAL. Does it mean that 100,000 people got hold of this idea and after placing it in their purse = they get a wind fall?
9. It is like the Eight Aspirations where: SW=romance. Mr A places 99 roses at SW of his table or Mr Y who instead placed 999 roses on their table. It does not mean that one of them may eventually woo a girl to marriage.
10. The only thing that PERHAPS may work or let us feel good is to boost our MAN (HUMAN LUCK). And take note that Human Luck is not purely Feng Shui. Most of the time, given few success, many would have forgotten about it after a short while.
11. We must all come to our senses:
"Do not waste time on things that do not work MOST Of the TIME. But rather, look at things that can work for most of us. Although this is still not 100 percent. But at least, we have tried out best to fix-the-leak. "
"Do not depart our money foolishly on commercial stuffs that often prey on our impluse."
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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