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I have slanted ceilings in my office, and my desk is located under the lower edge, in a corner. I was told to place a bamboo flute over the desk, but am not sure I have it in the right position. I also have a treasure toad on my desk, which is diagonal from the door, along with a dragon with a turtle on his back, which I was told to put on the floor by my desk. I also have plants on my desk, and a bell on the door, along with a treasure box opposite the door. However, my business is still suffering! (My desk and phone are facing my auspicious direction, as is my office.)Are these placed correctly?
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Dear Carla,
1. Frankly, first and foremost, check your business model. Often, Feng Shui is not a cure all for many of our woes (or business problems).
2. Instead of concentrating on using material things to enhance or give us a psychological boost, it is time to sit down and re-look at your business model, first.
3. Please see below:-

On 3/31/2003 7:15:17 PM, Anonymous wrote:
I have slanted ceilings in my
office, and my desk is located
under the lower edge, in a
corner. I was told to place a
bamboo flute over the desk,
but am not sure I have it in
the right position.
Often, the bamboo flute is placed over a concrete overhead beam to neutralise it. This is where, wood element (the flute) is used to crush or destroy or neutralise concrete/ or earth.

For a slanted ceiling, there is no much one can do here other than to see if one can move away from this location.

have a treasure toad on my
desk, which is diagonal from
the door, along with a dragon
with a turtle on his back,
which I was told to put on the
floor by my desk. I also have
plants on my desk, and a bell
on the door, along with a
treasure box opposite the
door. However, my business is
still suffering! (My desk and
phone are facing my auspicious
direction, as is my
office.)Are these placed

Frankly, Feng Shui is not a cure all. Many of the items that you have referred to is felt to be that belonging to " Man or Human " Luck.
For example, many of us would want to believe that our home has a `wealth corner'. This is to make us feel more comfortable or give us hope or (Man Luck).
If you have placed your desk facing your auspicious direction; already, and see no result, as mentioned above, try to relook your business model and marketing strategy.
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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