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Dear robert,
Is it true that one should keep any moving
objects like fans, TV and stereo in the sector where 2 and 5 fly. And also one
should put any yellow color objects and fire
elements like lamp, candle etc. since fire
produces earth. Are the # 2, 5 always bad
or they become good as the number move. Thanks

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Dear cecil,
There is error in the question I posted as
movement. Correct wording is -is it true
that one should not keep fans TV and any moving objects and yellow color and fire
objects in sector 2 and 5. Since these things
aggravates the 2 and 5. Thanks.

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On 7/11/99 2:41:39 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear cecil,
-is it true
that one should not keep fans
TV and any moving objects and
yellow color and fire
objects in sector 2 and 5.
Since these things
aggravates the 2 and 5.
Yes and no. You should not keep tv, yellow color and fire objects in sectors 2 and 5. However, you can use METALLIC moving objects in these areas to weaken the bad effects of these two stars.

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