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Dear All,
1. Our quest to learn or apply Feng Shui is based on this premise:
" Try to learn and apply as much as we can : those concepts and princples that work for MOST PEOPLE, MOST OF THE TIME ".
This is the only Guarantee Feng Shui can provide us.
2. We often hear "I was told, this FIGURINE is good for me." Or buy this ... figurine.. " It works wonders!"
Working "wonders" can mean different things for different people. It certainly works " Wonders " for the seller, who will profit from the sale.
Have we ever wondered... why is it that a product can do us wonder BUT, there is no guarantee attached to it.
For example, a price tag could say " Buy me, and you will be guaranteed to win $20,000/-....
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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