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Hi Cecil,
I read a reply you put through for a question posted May 7 on the topic of kirin then I suddenly realise I could possibly face the similar threat or worst off as my Indian neighbour put a pair of metal (with pretty colorful gems) kirin in front of the house PLUS a bagua as well (a yellow one). Although his door does not directly face mine, I suppose it will possibly affect as we only have 3 household on this floor (the other is vacant house which face directly opposite his house) and the distant from his door to mine is diagonally approx 3m away.
Please advise if I need to put up anything like that since we have good relationship and that we have to do it very thoughtfully. I am concern also because luck hasn't been good in whatever aspect....in the aspect of FS, is this external threat more serious then say if there are leaks within the house.
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  • Staff

Dear Serene,
1. Is it possible to draw a simple sketch of say your frontage vs the frontage (with main door location) of your home vis-a-vis your neighbour's with markings of the various items placed.
2. Without this information, it is very difficult for me to provide you with a proper reply.
3. In general, so long as (especially) if you are standing at your main door or windows looking out and can see the `offending' object(s) then it can be considered as a threat.
4. For the yellow Ba Gua mirror, try to see the type of mirror at the mirror. Often, the mirror at the centre used is " convex ". To deflect sha qi. But if the mirror used in the middle is " concave ", it is often used to `absorb' wealth. Do check this out.
Warmest Regards,

On 5/18/2003 9:14:40 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi Cecil,
I read a reply you put through
for a question posted May 7 on
the topic of kirin then I
suddenly realise I could
possibly face the similar
threat or worst off as my
Indian neighbour put a pair of
metal (with pretty colorful
gems) kirin in front of the
house PLUS a bagua as well (a
yellow one). Although his door
does not directly face mine, I
suppose it will possibly
affect as we only have 3
household on this floor (the
other is vacant house which
face directly opposite his
house) and the distant from
his door to mine is diagonally
approx 3m away.
Please advise if I need to put
up anything like that since we
have good relationship and
that we have to do it very
thoughtfully. I am concern
also because luck hasn't been
good in whatever aspect....in
the aspect of FS, is this
external threat more serious
then say if there are leaks
within the house.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Hi Cecil,
Many thanks for replying.
I have attached a sketch of our frontage and our neighbour as well as a pix taken from my gate showing a clearer picture of what I see.
While standing at my gate, I can clearly see all of the objects. A pair of kirin in gold with jewel studs. I have checked out that the yellow bagua is convex type.
Over at my end, we have put up nothing at all.
Really appreciate your advise on what to do.
Many thanks.

On 5/19/2003 1:01:45 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Serene,
1. Is it possible to draw a
simple sketch of say your
frontage vs the frontage (with
main door location) of your
home vis-a-vis your
neighbour's with markings of
the various items placed.
2. Without this information,
it is very difficult for me to
provide you with a proper
3. In general, so long as
(especially) if you are
standing at your main door or
windows looking out and can
see the `offending' object(s)
then it can be considered as a
4. For the yellow Ba Gua
mirror, try to see the type of
mirror at the mirror. Often,
the mirror at the centre used
is " convex ". To deflect sha
qi. But if the mirror used in
the middle is " concave ", it
is often used to `absorb'
wealth. Do check this out.
Warmest Regards,
On 5/18/2003 9:14:40 PM, Serene Mok
Hi Cecil,
I read a reply you put through
for a question posted May 7 on
the topic of kirin then I
suddenly realise I could
possibly face the similar
threat or worst off as my
Indian neighbour put a pair of
metal (with pretty colorful
gems) kirin in front of the
house PLUS a bagua as well (a
yellow one). Although his door
does not directly face mine, I
suppose it will possibly
affect as we only have 3
household on this floor (the
other is vacant house which
face directly opposite his
house) and the distant from
his door to mine is diagonally
approx 3m away.
Please advise if I need to put
up anything like that since we
have good relationship and
that we have to do it very
thoughtfully. I am concern
also because luck hasn't been
good in whatever aspect....in
the aspect of FS, is this
external threat more serious
then say if there are leaks
within the house.

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  • Staff

Dear Serene,
1. Thanks for the sketch and image from your main entrance.
2. Based on your description of the ba gua mirror i.e. the convex type; plus the two kirins outside their door; it is meant more for `protection' by your neighour.
3. In my opinion, since your unit is not directly in-front of this unit; there is no issue here.
4. For example, it is common place for many homes (landed property) to e.g. a pair of lions on the pillars of the gate of these homes. And your home is (if it is a landed property) not directly in the `line of sight'.
5. Your view is more of a side view and thus not affected by these placements. The vacant unit i.e. directly opposite this neighbour's unit is not as favourable since they face it directly.
6. If I were you, I do not need to be unduly worried. Unless, the neighbour, purposely tilt the two statues to face your unit.
(This is much like one of the pictures I had taken and uploaded to this site, several years back of the Bank of India (located at Robinson road); that had two lion figurines facing the Singapore International Airlines (SIA) building. However, it is because of the `flying wind' type of metal scuptures hung on SIA's entrance that had in the first place, created `sha qi' to the Bank of India.
7. At your end, in general, you do not need to do anything. But, if you like, you can depending on your taste... can hang a red banner above your door. The red banner (where red represents fire element) can be used to control the " two kirins " (metal element).
In addition, red symbolises the most yang energy.. plus to the Chinese, red also symbolises auspicious / prosperity.
Warmest Regards,

On 5/21/2003 8:00:18 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi Cecil,
Many thanks for replying.
I have attached a sketch of
our frontage and our neighbour
as well as a pix taken from my
gate showing a clearer picture
of what I see.
While standing at my gate, I
can clearly see all of the
objects. A pair of kirin in
gold with jewel studs. I have
checked out that the yellow
bagua is convex type.
Over at my end, we have put up
nothing at all.
Really appreciate your advise
on what to do.
Many thanks.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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