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Dear Wilson,
The day of the Heavenly Stem is the stem which determines your ba zi element. It will not change under any combination.
ie. if the Heavenly Stem is Wood, but a combination between Day and Month changes both element of the Day and Month to Fire, your birth element is still Wood.
However, how weak or strong your Wood is will be affected by the various changes in the five element that are found in your chart.
Hope that helps.
Warmest Regards
Robert Lee

On 6/27/2003 4:04:45 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Cecil,
Some practitioner claimed that
the day of the stem is the
most important character in Ba
Zhi calculation and is used as
the basis of comparison with
other 7 characters, as it will
reveal a person?s nature. Is
there any possibility that it
will change to other element
due to full combination or a
Thanks & best regards,

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