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Grand Duke Responsible ?


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Dear Cecil
Thankyou for your time.. I desperately seek your help on behalf of myself, my family and my business.
I live in Australia with my wife and 2 daughters (aged 6 & 9).
I was born on 17th May, 1959 and am a self-employed 'Internet Business' owner..
A) Last year (Feb-June 2002), we renovated our home to build a 70 square metre 'Home Office' to enable a hopeful expansion of our business and income, which had been suffering for some 2 years whilst building our business.
Only Half way through renovations we consulted our Feng Shui books and learnt of 'Grand Duke' presence in the area of the new changes..
All through the building upgrades, obstacles seemed to keep coming along.. In the end, renovations took 3 months to complete instead of 2-3 weeks as advised.
Business Projects I was working on then and since have all failed, no matter the amount of massive time, money and energy put into them by me..
My own health and that of one of my daughters are now suffering for some time, and I feel at present a distinct lack of respect from previous companions, and any requests of anyone to complete any tasks at all, are just not happening..
I believe if the Grand Duke is responsible for the initial and 2002 bad happenings, he still may be in 2003 also, as our new home office covers both of these areas..
B) If it is not the GD.. Could it be our Kitchen placement ?
It is in N/NW position of our home ... with Stove alongside of Sink..
Health issues seem to have re-risen in past months..
C) Final request - Our daughter's bedrooms also have Mirrored wardrobe doors and Mirrored dressing tables in both of them ..
Is there a better or just as effective remedy to overcome their negative energies other than removing all ?
Thankyou again for your much needed and respected advice assistance Cecil..
Our position has unfortunately become as desperate as possible bankruptcy within a few short months only..
Kind Regards

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