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I have read Eva Wongs book ,and am now am still really confused. I have a house ,permit obtained for construction 1903. I don't know if it was habitable til 1904 (probably) and there may not be transfer of ownership records for first occupants because it was same person as builder. So not sure of time star. This could be a moot question however since I replaced roof down to rafters this year. However it is 3 stories and sun did not really shine on any floors except small part of 3rd(attic) that is not "finished".I have painted most of the ceiling too.But not all.I need serious advice as things have been horrendous since living here.House faces straight east (mao) sits west (yu). I am a 4 wood. thanks
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Dear Fran,
1. For a home, often, if things are not too good, there is a good chance that the Shapes and Forms of the home (either external and interior may have problems). Often, some of the external issues include: wrong placement of water positions etc...
2. Under Compass School of Feng Shui, if one had already stayed in a home; often, what we (practitioners) do is to draw several Flying Star charts to look at the home to see if it `matches' the problems that has been faced inside a home.
3. Thus instead of trying to figure whether the home belongs to period `X' or `Y'; the most practical approach is to try to do a chart of the current period, first e.g. Period 7, since you had mentioned that there were some renovations done during this period.
4. For example, currently under Period 7, the worst locations this year is the "North" compass direction. While East and South are also issues concerning Period 7.
Warmest Regards,

On 8/15/2003 10:56:19 AM, Anonymous wrote:
I have read Eva Wongs book
,and am now am still really
confused. I have a house
,permit obtained for
construction 1903. I don't
know if it was habitable til
1904 (probably) and there may
not be transfer of ownership
records for first occupants
because it was same person as
builder. So not sure of time
star. This could be a moot
question however since I
replaced roof down to rafters
this year. However it is 3
stories and sun did not really
shine on any floors except
small part of 3rd(attic) that
is not "finished".I have
painted most of the ceiling
too.But not all.I need serious
advice as things have been
horrendous since living
here.House faces straight east
(mao) sits west (yu). I am a 4
wood. thanks

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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