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Dear Cecil,
I have started to be interested in Feng Shui just recently, looking for possible reasons (answers) for the problems my family has encountered since we have moved to our new apartment (four months ago). First I have read the book on Feng Shui by Lillian Too, and afterwards I have found your site. Now I am totally confused, and have a lots of questions but there are two which seem to me to be most urgent:
1.The position of my sons bedroom (placed on the SW, on his spook line, along the "missing" part of our flat's floor plan). My son's Gua is 4 (East Gua, Wood), his birth element is strong Fire. After calculating flying stars chart for his room (SW, base 1, mountain star 3, water star 8, yearly star 4) I am even more worried. Are there any cures for that room which could make it suitable (or less dangerous) for him?
2.My husband is West group person, Gua 7 (Metal, birth element strong Metal). The main entrance of our home (E, base 2, mountain star 4, water star 9, yearly star 5) is at his death line (my longevity), and the master bedroom (SE base 3, mountain star 5, water star 1, yearly star 6) on his irritation (my health line). His point of excellence coincides with the position of main bathroom (W, base 6, mountain star 8, water star 4, yearly flying star 9). Legally I am the owner of the apartment which belongs to period 4. The entrance can't be moved considering that it is on the second floor of the public building facing the main entrance of neighbors door. What can we do? Moving out is out of the question, at least fro the next few years.
Do you suggest further consultations with the Feng Shui expert? I am really worried.
Thank you very much
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