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Dear Master:
I have come across some terms whose meaning is difficult for me to grasp.Could you be so kind to explain them?.If they are too basic please forgive my ignorance.
the terms are:
Yun / Ming
commander ( timely) / "Losing the yun" ( untimely )
Purple white star
Some authors say that star 2 black belongs to water element and others say it belongs to earth element, the same happens with star 7 some say it's metal others say it's fire.I also came across the following sentences , one of them belongs to you:"a weak metal person's wealth career is in the wood area but better if associated with earth element".What does that mean? could you please explain?
the next one says: "good fortune always and without exception reveals itself as 5 or multiply of 5"
Thanks for your patience and kindness
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Dear Carlos,
Please see below:-

On 10/9/2003 8:47:07 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Master:
I have come across some terms
whose meaning is difficult for
me to grasp.Could you be so
kind to explain them?.If they
are too basic please forgive
my ignorance.
the terms are:
Yun / Ming
commander ( timely) / "Losing
the yun" ( untimely )
This is based on the interpretation of one of the I-Ching hexagrams. There are a total of 64 hexagrams in the I-Ching oracle. You can purchase books on I-Ching to find the combination of the base hexagrams and their combinations on each other.
Purple white star
Some authors say that star 2
black belongs to water element
and others say it belongs to
earth element, the same
happens with star 7 some say
it's metal others say it's

Please note that there are two categories here:-
1. Actual, academic interpretation of each of the numbers based on the Flying Star numerology.
The Flying Star numbers and their significance:-
1 = water (blue, black or grey)
2 = strong earth (yellow)
3 = strong wood (green)
4 = weak wood (green)
5 = strong earth (Bad Yellow)
6 = strong metal (gold)
7 = weak metal (gold)
8 = small earth (yellow)
9 = fire (red, pink or purple)
2. What you may be confused about is about the Chinese `rhyme' or `verse' created to give a practitioner a sense of what is "good" and what is "bad".
This has much to do, with trying to create something which one can remember.
For those who were born around 1960s or earlier, would recall the "Black and White Mistrel Show". Where the singers and dancers are (white) but painted themselves black.
Here, this verse or rhyme wanted to educate or let the user easily memorise terms.
The Nine Star Colour TERMS:
1 = white
2 = black
3 = Primary Green colour
4 = Light Green
5 = dull yellow
6 = white
7 = brown or sometimes maroon
8 = white
9 = purple
If one looks carefully, WHITE is suppose to represent goodness or auspicious. For example, a wedding glown is often white (virgin).
Thus under this verse, which one memories: 1, 6 and 8 are considered auspicious since they are White.
The other "dark" colours (so long as they are not white) perhaps no longer "virgin" colours? They are suppose to represent Bad stars or numbers.
This is why, sometimes, a Feng Shui master would like to recommend the use of 1 black fish with 6 gold fish. Since 1 and 6 are "white" or clean or auspicious numbers.

I also came across the
following sentences , one of
them belongs to you:"a weak
metal person's wealth career
is in the wood area but better
if associated with earth
element".What does that mean?
could you please explain?
the next one says: "good
fortune always and without
exception reveals itself as 5
or multiply of 5"
Please do more homework, and search my previous postings. You should able to find what I meant, here.
Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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