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Dear Master Lee,
We have 2 concerns and would greatly appreciate your help. Our house is Period 6 Facing E1, so the central palace is M8-P6-W4-Annual5 (for 2004).
1) Some of the books said the central palace is like a prison, and stars get locked in. Do you agree with this interpretation? We are concerned our auspicious Mountain #8 is being "imprisoned" in the central palace, and is there a way to "unlock" and set it free?
2)For 2004, the nasty #5 is also in the central palace. Both nasty #5 and auspicious #8 are earth element. Is there a way to energize the #8 only? We are afraid to use the 5-element theory, because by strengthening #8, we are also strengthening #5 and we don't want to do that.
Many Thanks!
Warm Regards,
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Dear Nhan,
1. Shapes and Forms Feng Shui
1.1 More importantly, I personally feel that Shapes and Forms Feng Shui has a far higher weightage.
1.2 For a home, majority of the homes often have `clear' space at the centrepoint.
1.3 Even for many American homes, staircase is either at the centre or close to this sector.
2. Therefore, in my opinion, for a home, it is not very favourable to `lock-in' stars if this directly affects the flow of qi at the centrepoint or close-by to this.
3. And this may not be healthy for a home.
4. Contrast, this with an office. In an office, there is no harm to `lock-up' bad stars with say a storeroom. Since, in an office environment, air-con is flowing and it can reach all areas of the office.
5. Unlike a home. Unless, we equally turn on the air-con. However, for a home, many people cannot afford to turn on the aircon (to circulate the air) all the time. If so, it is not as favourable to `lock-up' the stars in the centre-area of a home.
6. For your centrepoint, yes, for this year, there is a double edged sword. Since you have a #8 and a bad #5 at this sector.
As you had mentioned, both are earth stars. So, enhancing one star can be at the detriment of the other.
Hopefully, you have a wall, on one side of this centrepoint e.g. adjacent to another room. Given this senario, it is always safer to "fix-the-leak, first", then to enhance.
For example, it is better or safer to neutralise the bad #5 (so that we can "live" another day to enhance the #8). And not the other way around -- not around to do so. Since, #5 can bring misfortune/calamity or sickness.
The saying goes, be safe than sorry!
You can see if you can try to enhance other sectors, instead.
Warmest Regards,

On 12/31/2003 4:52:34 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Master Lee,
We have 2 concerns and would
greatly appreciate your help.
Our house is Period 6 Facing
E1, so the central palace is
M8-P6-W4-Annual5 (for 2004).
1) Some of the books said the
central palace is like a
prison, and stars get locked
in. Do you agree with this
interpretation? We are
concerned our auspicious
Mountain #8 is being
"imprisoned" in the central
palace, and is there a way to
"unlock" and set it free?
2)For 2004, the nasty #5 is
also in the central palace.
Both nasty #5 and auspicious
#8 are earth element. Is there
a way to energize the #8 only?
We are afraid to use the
5-element theory, because by
strengthening #8, we are also
strengthening #5 and we don't
want to do that.
Many Thanks!
Warm Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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