myfs_98354 Posted January 3, 2004 Share Posted January 3, 2004 I really have no idea which 20-year period to use for my house. It was built in 1955. During the 64-84 period the owners built two new rooms onto it and then covered over the space between them in a rather flimsy manner and called it a bonus room. In 2000, we took down the bonus room and made it a patio. So during the last period we did not alter the house by more than one third. In one discussion I read at this site, iti was stated that sometimes a practitioner simply used the current period. How on earth do I know what to do? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted January 3, 2004 Staff Share Posted January 3, 2004 Dear Regina,1. Practising or appling Feng Shui (Flying Star) is both an art as well as a science.2. The underling issue now is today, many of us have the opportunity to apply "new" tools since, such information is so easily available to all of us. For eg. tools, reports and the web - as made forums - available.3. However, like every other knowledge base, there are always certain universal methods that we can apply:-4. For example, many people, have come to trust the accuracy of the Science of Feng Shui. These has fixed rules and information - knowledge base.5. The ART OF FENG SHUI5.1 Like any other investigations, a concerned Feng Shui practitoner, would:5.2 If the owners have been staying in a home for 3 or more years5.3 Often, the practitioner would try to draw several Flying Star Charts e.g.Drawing a Period 6, Period 7 chart.5.4 And try to investigate or figure out which chart is more accurate, based on information derived from the owners. Quote In onediscussion I read at thissite, iti was stated thatsometimes a practitionersimply used the currentperiod. Frankly, nowadays, many practitoners have no time or perhaps other reasons for simply out of convenience in using the current period chart. This is the easiest way out since, they (PERHAPS) do not have to do more homework. Expand Or, they feel that they can simply "fine tune" the home based on the current chart - "will do" attitude.For whatever reason; if one is more knowledgeable, insist or check with the practitioner, whether, he/she can help to check out the chart that best meets the home/office current Feng Shui influence, first before hiring, the practitioner.Else, one may (if one is truly interested) slowly, understand and if - possible, plot out the different period chart(s).This is then truly, the merging of the ART and SCIENCE of Feng Shui.Warmest Regards,Cecil Quote On 1/3/2004 1:13:25 PM, Anonymous wrote:I really have no idea which20-year period to use for myhouse. It was built in 1955.During the 64-84 period theowners built two new roomsonto it and then covered overthe space between them in arather flimsy manner andcalled it a bonus room. In2000, we took down the bonusroom and made it a patio. Soduring the last period we didnot alter the house by morethan one third. In onediscussion I read at thissite, iti was stated thatsometimes a practitionersimply used the currentperiod. How on earth do Iknow what to do? Expand Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_97189 Posted January 28, 2004 Share Posted January 28, 2004 Hello Mr LeeI hv always wonder what career category would Feng Shui be in? Thank you. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted January 28, 2004 Staff Share Posted January 28, 2004 Dear Rosni,1. In my opinion, more accurately, if we look at the word Feng Shui carefully, it belongs to a wider term known as Geomancy.2. For example, in Singapore and Malaysia, many business related to Feng Shui do not call their business: ABC Feng Shui etc...3. But rather, at this moment, nearly every "Feng Shui" business has a "GEOMANCY" added somewhere in their name.4. This is because, the whole business of Geomancy is to support a demand from what is known as "cradle to the grave".For example, for the Chinese;YANG FENG SHUI:-===============1. once a new child is born, many parents or grand parents go to a geomancer to select a favourable name for the child.2. services like: auspicious dates for marriage etc.. face reading, hand reading, Chinese astrology3. Home feng shui comes in when one starts a family or simply owns a home.YIN FENG SHUI:-==============4. Because of scarcity of land, nowadays, loved ones are cremated. In the past, Geomancers are also involved in selection of burial sites etc....Look at it as "job satisfaction" but more importantly, unlike the multi-million Feng Shui business of today, in the past, a Geomancer has to live off every type of job to suppliment his / her income.5. In general, I would say that Geomancers should be classified as under the "wood" element. As wood element suggests: growth, discovery. And like plants, are like catalyst for growth. Geomancers who provide training or courses are also closely resembling wood element. (Since training belows to this category.)6. As mentioned above, Feng Shui can be considered as one of the elements of Geomancy. Since Feng Shui is associated with the earth element i.e. Feng Shui is about Earth luck,then, broadly, we can consider it as closer to the Earth element.7. However, as mentioned above, a Feng Shui practitioner who spends more time e.g. during research and training, should be considered as a wood element i.e. catalyst of growth.8. For example, replying messages on anything under the sky in relation to Chinese divinity methods and constant research - can thus be seen as a Wood element.9. does not sell or want to sell any products.10. But if one often go to a Feng Shui website that sells products e.g. Feng Shui emporiums or some FS practitioners who "moonlight" selling FS productions could be considered more inclined towards the "Earth element". Since they may sell anything under the sun - in the name of "Feng Shui. And many of these products are from the earth.11. Overall, frankly, there is never a right or wrong answer. Since, nowadays, we are in the "multi-tasking" age.12. In the past, the butcher is strictly a butcher. A merchant is strictly a merchant. But nowadays, a butcher could also be using a computer etc.. So does a Geomancer.So long as one put forth a reasonable - justification to substantiate one's view points, this implies maturity of thought. Again, the answer cannot be YES or NO. But rather YES / NO / IT DEPENDS!Warmest Regards,Cecil Quote On 1/28/2004 4:14:16 AM, Anonymous wrote:Hello Mr LeeI hv always wonder what careercategory would Feng Shui bein? Thank you. Expand Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_97189 Posted January 31, 2004 Share Posted January 31, 2004 What more can I ask for! That was a great & very complex answer,.....I loveit. Thanks much, Cecil.Rosni wrote in message Quote Dear Rosni,1. In my opinion, more accurately, if we look at the word Feng Shuicarefully,it belongs to a wider term known as Geomancy.2. For example, in Singapore and Malaysia, many business related to FengShuido not call their business: ABC Feng Shui etc...3. But rather, at this moment, nearly every "Feng Shui" business has a"GEOMANCY" added somewhere in their name.4. This is because, the whole business of Geomancy is to support a demandfromwhat is known as "cradle to the grave".For example, for the Chinese;YANG FENG SHUI:-===============1. once a new child is born, many parents or grand parents go to ageomancer toselect a favourable name for the child.2. services like: auspicious dates for marriage etc.. face reading, handreading, Chinese astrology3. Home feng shui comes in when one starts a family or simply owns a home.YIN FENG SHUI:-==============4. Because of scarcity of land, nowadays, loved ones are cremated. In thepast,Geomancers are also involved in selection of burial sites etc....Look at it as "job satisfaction" but more importantly, unlike themulti-millionFeng Shui business of today, in the past, a Geomancer has to live offeverytype of job to suppliment his / her income.5. In general, I would say that Geomancers should be classified as underthe"wood" element.As wood element suggests: growth, discovery. And like plants, are likecatalystfor growth.Geomancers who provide training or courses are also closely resemblingwoodelement. (Since training belows to this category.)6. As mentioned above, Feng Shui can be considered as one of the elementsofGeomancy. Since Feng Shui is associated with the earth element i.e. FengShuiis about Earth luck,then, broadly, we can consider it as closer to theEarthelement.7. However, as mentioned above, a Feng Shui practitioner who spends moretimee.g. during research and training, should be considered as a wood elementi.e.catalyst of growth.8. For example, replying messages on anything under the sky in relation toChinese divinity methods and constant research - can thus beseenas a Wood element.9. does not sell or want to sell any products.10. But if one often go to a Feng Shui website that sells products e.g.FengShui emporiums or some FS practitioners who "moonlight" selling FSproductionscould be considered more inclined towards the "Earth element". Since theymaysell anything under the sun - in the name of "Feng Shui. And many of theseproducts are from the earth.11. Overall, frankly, there is never a right or wrong answer. Since,nowadays,we are in the "multi-tasking" age.12. In the past, the butcher is strictly a butcher. A merchant is strictlyamerchant. But nowadays, a butcher could also be using a computer etc.. Sodoesa Geomancer.So long as one put forth a reasonable - justification to substantiateone'sview points, this implies maturity of thought. Again, the answer cannot beYESor NO. But rather YES / NO / IT DEPENDS!Warmest Regards,CecilOn 1/28/2004 4:14:16 AM, Rosni Abdul Rahman wrote:>Hello Mr Lee>>I hv always wonder what career>category would Feng Shui be>in? Thank you. Expand Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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