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Note Appended by Cecil:
Dear Regina,
It would be best if you can attach a sketch to your message.
Hope you understand that it is quite difficult to visualise, what has been mentioned - with certainty.
Warmest Regards,

Mr. Lee:
You demonstrate in the Flying Star report how to place the grid over a rectangular house, and you also show how to place it over each section of an "L"-shaped house. What should one do with a shallow "U"-shaped house, where the two arms of the U are single rooms, with a patio filling in the missing space? Is the patio figured in? If the template is not put over the entire U, why not?
Regina Cohn
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Dear Regina,
In general, for western homes, often, there can be U or L shaped (top-view profile).
Sometimes, depending on the situation, things like a garage or a patio (non-living / sleeping) areas of the home that may have "caused" the U or L often can be excluded from the "heart" of the home when doing a Flying Star chart.
In some situations, two centrepoints or centre-of-gravity can be found; and two flying star charts plotted for the home. Again, this depends. And should not be blindly applied to all situations. Since, there are thousand-and-one layouts all over the world.
However, again in general, unless one owns a large or huge mansion the size of a white-house or european palace; often, for a basic bungalow roughly the size around 10,000 sq feet, it would be better and more productive (and practical) to apply only one Flying Star chart).
However, in an office environment, where several tenants share the same floor of a building, here, it is practical to draw a chart just for this office, even if it is a mere 1000 sq feet or less.
Alternatively, the building owner does not care too much of the interior (tenants) and they on the other hand may request for a Feng Shui audit, done for their building. Mainly to look at external threats from other buildings and/or to enhance the external of the building.
This is to demonstrate, the flexibility of the "ART OF applying Flying Star Feng Shui".
From this, one can see that there is really no right or wrong or fixed methods to use. Here, like a scupltor, a FS practitioner, will need to understand their client's needs and focus on the best way to "read" the birth-chart for clues to it's vulnerabilities.
Under the art of Management strategic planning this is known as: S.W.O.T analysis.
Here S = Strengths (to boost qi flow)
W = Weakness (to counter-act)
O = Opportunities (e.g. to enhance qi flow)
T = Threats (to neutralise sha qi)
The lowest common denominator is also similar to the basic building block of the three-step approach:
Step 1: What is the purpose of each concept?
Step 2: What are it's strenghts?
Step 3: What are it's weakness?
Warmest Regards,

On 1/6/2004 6:48:33 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Note Appended by Cecil:
Dear Regina,
It would be best if you can
attach a sketch to your
Hope you understand that it is
quite difficult to visualise,
what has been mentioned - with
Warmest Regards,
Mr. Lee:
You demonstrate in the Flying
Star report how to place the
grid over a rectangular house,
and you also show how to place
it over each section of an
"L"-shaped house. What should
one do with a shallow
"U"-shaped house, where the
two arms of the U are single
rooms, with a patio filling in
the missing space? Is the
patio figured in? If the
template is not put over the
entire U, why not?
Regina Cohn

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Mr. Lee:
You demonstrate in the Flying
Star report how to place the
grid over a rectangular house,
and you also show how to place
it over each section of an
"L"-shaped house. What should
one do with a shallow
"U"-shaped house, where the
two arms of the U are single
rooms, with a patio filling in
the missing space? Is the
patio figured in? If the
template is not put over the
entire U, why not?
Regina Cohn
I have attached a photo!.>

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