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chinese horoscope/pillars of destiny confusion?


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Dear Cecil,
First, I wish you, Robert and the geomancy.net family a VERY HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR.
Secondly, I want to thank you for all your valuable advice during the past years.
Third, would you please help me clarify some confusion? I was born in the year of the fire Monkey (Dec 31 1956) and the Chinese horoscope for 2004 said it was going to be a very bad year for me. However, the Pillars of destiny analysis said in year 2004, the first 6 months are very auspicious and the last 6 months are a little inauspicious. Which is more correct, the chinese horoscope for 2004 or the pillars of destiny analysis?
Thank you very much as always,
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Dear Hoa Luong,
Wishing You, your family and everyone in the forum: HEALTH, WEALTH AND HAPPINESS, ALWAYS!
1. Yes, I believe there is a reasonable explanation for this.
2. For example, let me illustrate using fruits.
3. Most of us know that both apples and oranges are fruits.
4. Similiarly Chinese Horoscope and Pillars of Destiny are considered as CHINESE DIVINITY methods. Thus both belong to the same family.
5. But, again, as all of us know, even if apples and oranges are fruits, but, they are not exactly the same fruit. Here, an orange is not equal to an apple.
6. The key to understanding this is that "Oranges are oranges but oranges ARE NOT APPLES".
7. Here, when we mention that the next YEAR is not a good year for a Monkey or a Tiger, we are taking into consideration only just a person's YEAR of birth.
8. While, ba zi, or ba zi, used here is based on more than one variable. Thus, not only one's YEAR of birth is considered but, also MONTH, DAY, HOUR, HOUSE OF LIFE and CONCEPTION.
9. Thus Ba Zi uses YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR etc... but the general statement for the Horoscope simply mentions only the YEAR of birth.
10. So, it follows that both are not using the same common denominator. Ba zi uses extra "fields" to make an anlysis.
11. Even in a Ba Zi analysis, there is also various ways to show the description of it:-
11.1 Often, if we read a 10 YEAR luck period anaylsis:
It may say that GENERALLY, considering the 10 year period, OVERALL, it is more auspicious for the 10 YEAR luck period.
11.2 But if we take a step, lower, and analyse the 10 year by breaking it down to two 5 years,
For example, the first 5 years may state that it is inauspicious for the person.
While the next 5 years is auspicious.
11.3 If we go down further and analyse, every six months, within each 5 years, there can be a six month auspicious or inauspicious period.
12. Therefore, I hope you get my point. "You must see what you are comparing".
13. Often, in forums that are not properly supervised, I have seen many people twist and turn, messages by comparing apples with pears or oranges. This people perhaps have their own hidden agenda. I believe, these are naive people, trying to cause problems by planting "rotten seeds"; to gullible people.
Warmest Regards,

On 1/19/2004 6:36:46 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Cecil,
First, I wish you, Robert and
the geomancy.net family a VERY
Secondly, I want to thank you
for all your valuable advice
during the past years.
Third, would you please help
me clarify some confusion? I
was born in the year of the
fire Monkey (Dec 31 1956) and
the Chinese horoscope for 2004
said it was going to be a very
bad year for me. However,
the Pillars of destiny
analysis said in year 2004,
the first 6 months are very
auspicious and the last 6
months are a little
inauspicious. Which is more
correct, the chinese horoscope
for 2004 or the pillars of
destiny analysis?
Thank you very much as always,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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