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I have a Period 7 house with main door/facing in SW2 (238 deg). To the left of door is SE facing garden. Since the previous owner shifted the position of the main door, I would assume this is SW2 facing.
Looking at the Flying Star charts, it seems that it would be a good idea to change the house to Period 8. However, I'm unable to renovate due to other reasons. In the meantime,
- do I continue using a Period 7 chart in Period 8?
- can I assume water star 8 in South for Period 7 chart applies i.e. my wealth direction is South and I can position a water feature?
- NE is good in Period 8 (Luo Shu) but a period 7 house NE(7,7) is bad. Crystals are said to be good in the NE direction. How should I activate the wealth/fortune without activating the bad 7?
- since my main door faces SW2 (Tai Sui in 2004) and no renovations are allowed, would you advise I wait a year before considering renovations?
Many thanks for your reply.
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