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Hi there,
I'm an 'earth' person, born at (best guess)
10pm, 16-4-1969. Thus, the fire element is beneficial for me, and the wood element is 'maleficial'.
I have blue-green tiles on the floor of my bathroom - is blue green a water element colour or is it wood related. If it is wood related, should I attempt to ameliorate this by putting red towels (fire) in the south of my bathroom, which (fortunately) is where the towel rail is?

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You are "metal" person.
Thank you so much for correcting me.

The information I got was from a chart listing only the year of birth of a person and their element. (p214-5 'The Complete Illustrated Guide to Feng Shui' Lillian Too).
I found this book a bit confusing, because elsewhere in the book, (p's 89 & 91) using the East-House/West-House method, as I was born in 1969, the element listed for that was wood.
So, so far I've got: wood, earth, metal.
(?Why the disparity - or perhaps I've just
made a mistake somewhere)
Would you be so kind as to tell me where I can find the information (hopefully on the 'net) where I can determine for myself that I am a 'metal' person?
Once again, thank you for correcting me.
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Dear Fraser,

On 7/23/99 10:41:51 AM, Anonymous wrote:
Hi there,
I'm an 'earth' person, born at
(best guess)
10pm, 16-4-1969. Thus, the
fire element is beneficial for
me, and the wood element is

Actually, you can do a free pillars of destiny report at http://www.geomancy-online.com to determine your birth element.
Anyway, your birth element is earth.
If you are a weak earth, the fire is good for you. Otherwise, metal is good for you.

I have blue-green tiles on the
blue is more towards water, and green is wood.
floor of my bathroom - is blue
green a water element colour
or is it wood related. If it
is wood related, should I
attempt to ameliorate this by
putting red towels (fire) in
the south of my bathroom,
which (fortunately) is where
the towel rail is?

Actually, I think you do not really have to be so concerned about the bathroom. Areas which you should be more concerned with is with things that you spend more time with.
Example your own bedroom and items you wear or carry. These are more important to suit yourself then the colour of your bathroom.
Warmest Regards
Robert Lee

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