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Dear Cecil,
I am glad to find this informative site ... and I am slowly trying to digest all these information on Fengshui.
I need some help in plotting my natal chart and I am not sure if I am right with my Compass Direction, and not sure if I am doing it the right way.
I have attached my floor plan and what I have done was plotting the centrepoint of my house and getting the facing direction. Using the floor plan, I took the readings for the front door.
This is a Period 7 house. I have also included the map of my area, showing my building location.
Not sure if it is necessary, but both my husband and my Kua's number is #2.
Let me know if I have done right, if not, how to do it right.
PS : I was unable to attach the files due to the size limitation. By shrinking the file may make it unreadable. Please advise how other way should I send them? Thanks.
Appreciate your help.
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