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Dear John,
This has more to do with one man's meat is another man's poison. This is because even if you want to apply numerology, there are so many different formulas / rulesets etc.
In addition, to the Chinese, apply phonetic sound-like to say whether the number is good or bad. This is especially true for numbers like 4, 44. To some perhaps 59 is ok, for others the additional 0 doesn't seem to be good.
Actually, what matters most is since you or your partners are really going into business. In terms of numbers, see if any of them are neutral or adverse to it.
Hope that helps.
Warmest Regards
Robert Lee

On 3/10/2004 4:51:34 AM, Anonymous wrote:
I am about to buy a business
which is located on an address
with the number 590. Is it
auspicious, inauspicious,

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