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Dear Master Lee,
Consistent with your advice, I have always used the end of construction date to generate the flying star chart. Some have told me the move-in date should be used. I would very much appreciate your insight on the topic of construction date vs move-in date.
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Dear Nhan,
Usually, if you look at my reply, it is often mentioned as "It depends".
This is because if the building is constructed and closed-up (no qi flow), and later, one moves-in (yang qi) than, it is best to take the move-in date.
Warmest Regards,

On 3/26/2004 6:45:14 PM, Anonymous wrote:
Dear Master Lee,
Consistent with your advice, I
have always used the end of
construction date to generate
the flying star chart. Some
have told me the move-in date
should be used. I would very
much appreciate your insight
on the topic of construction
date vs move-in date.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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