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As I would be shifting to a new office, I have no choice but to sit in the south west or west sector. This is indicated to me as my irritation sector or spook sector, using the yr software (DOB: 30/8/55, Male) If this is the case, how can I find a cure or make the best out of the situation. plse advice
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Dear Peter,
Frankly, if one is in an open space concept and cannot control the layout planning, than there is not much choice, here.
Fortunately, you are not sitting facing the death or disaster sector. Which is worse-off.
Often, in such cases or situation, if we are limited by "earth luck" i.e. location, than what matters most is to boost our "human / man luck". Here, positive work attitude, our PR skills etc..
Warmest Regards,
P.S. for the benefit of those who are moving office, often the following ritual are performed:
Select an auspicious date & time for the Office Warming Day.
1 On this day, make sure that all windows, ventilation must be covered up - usually with black paper or cloth. So that when one enters the room, it should be in total darkness.
2 Hang a red banner across the banner of the business.
3 During this time, all electricty to the unit should be off. No equipment is to be turned on.
4 Before the auspicious time, the owner or manager would have to light up a charcoal stove.
5 Next, once the stove has been lighted up, the owner place it a few feet away from the main entrance door i.e. in the middle. And he raises his left foot then right foot and removes the red banner and opens the door. If he has staff, then all the staff do the same.. ie. raise their left foot over right foot and walk into the office.
6 Get help to peel off all the coverings to windows to allow light to come in. And then switch on the lighting in the room and all electrical devices there.

On 3/26/2004 6:42:59 PM, Anonymous wrote:
As I would be shifting to a
new office, I have no choice
but to sit in the south west
or west sector. This is
indicated to me as my
irritation sector or spook
sector, using the yr software
(DOB: 30/8/55, Male) If this
is the case, how can I find a
cure or make the best out of
the situation. plse advice

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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