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A friend gave me a set of pa-kua mirors, one inverted and one domed outward but I can't find any information on placement. I was told by my friend to place one inside above my front door and one on the out side above the front door. Is this true? Anything I have read tells me to never hang one indoors. How should I place my mirrors and where?

Thank you for your time.

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Dear Bernie/Ann,

There are some resources on the type of ba gua mirrors under the attachment picture. Try to check out the conference: Photo Tours of Interest (with Pictures). Do a SEARCH for the key words as found in this attachment.

A ba gua (pa kua mirror) should not be anyhow placed inside a home. For example, it should not be placed inside a home facing inwards into any of our rooms, living / dining, bedrooms.

Or for any purpose, it is not ideal to place it inside the home.

If you do a search of the above resource, you can find that a proper type of ba gua mirror (depending on it's shape and mirror and wordings or door gods have different purpose.)

For example, a ba gua mirror with door god on it often is meant to be placed above the main door for "protection" from e.g. evil spirits.

The chief purpose of ba gua mirrors are:

ONE - some are hang to protect the home from evil spirits. Often the mirrors have flat mirrors or have a picture of a "lion" / kirin or a Chinese god on it. (Pictures of these can be found in the above attachment links). Majority of the time, some Chinese simply hang just a YELLOW charm to ward off eviland/or with a simple flat round mirror withthis.

TWO - some are hung above a window or door to neutralise against sha qi or poison arrows e.g. a lamp post slicing into a window or main door. Often, the convex type of mirror is used here.

THREE - The concave mirror is often used e.g. to "suck wealth from the surrounding" and or placed outside of the locationthat has a missing corner (outside) of the house. For example, the top-down view shows a missing corner at the East sector. A mirror is placedoutside the home facing the east.

Warmest Regards,

On 5/26/2004 9:58:52 PM, Anonymous wrote:

A friend gave me a set of

pa-kua mirors, one inverted

and one domed outward but I

can't find any information on

placement. I was told by my

friend to place one inside

above my front door and one on

the out side above the front

door. Is this true? Anything I

have read tells me to never

hang one indoors. How should I

place my mirrors and where?

Thank you for your time.

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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