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Dear Master Cecil,

I am renting a shop space at the end of a row of shophouses. It is on the ground floor of a 2-storey HDB shop house. The current facing of the row of shop houses is N2, and there is a wide open field in front, creating the "bright hall" effect. However, there is a tree right in front, which may be considered a poison arrow. (see picture)

I have a choice of placing the entrance of my shop facing N2 (the bright hall), or W2 (facing a busy "yang" road). The row of shophouses was built in Period 7. I've read my Flying Stars reports for both facings for both Period 7 and Period 8.

If entrance is W2, in Period 8, it is very auspicious because of the "Double 8" stars in front. However, being built in Period 7, I'm not sure ifthe the shop can "fly" into Period 8:

a) Must it follow the Period of the entire row of shophouses (ie Period 7)?

b) Being on the ground floor of the 2-storey shophouse, I have no chance of"changing my roof".

c) However, I will be doingextensive renovation which involveschanging the entire floor, and opening the new entrance atW2 (currently awall). Will this be enough for the shop tobecome a Period 8 building?

Would appreciate your kind advice.


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Dear Anon,

In my opinion, seems like we are just entering into Period 8, and often, any changes or trying to fly into the new period, may be slow going for now, given that, Period 8 is just "climbing" or starting and Period 7 influence is just waning.

More likely, the effects (trying to change to a new period) often may take sometime i.e. two or more years to be effective.

Frankly, I do not have a good feel of the tree in-front of your shophouse and if N2 or bright hall is facing the tree, then, it would be good to consider W2 since, it will kill three birds with just one stone i.e. not facing the tree, facing a yang pedestrian traffic and under Period 8, double 8's.

Yes, I would think that W2, may be a good choice, provided, there is no lone lamp post or any sha qi at that direction.

Because of your extensive renovation, plus other actions such as open ceremony, yang traffic, can change it to a new period - no problem to do so even if the roof is not removed.

Good luck in your business!

Warmest Regards,

On 6/9/2004 8:23:05 AM, Anonymous wrote:

Dear Master Cecil,

I am renting a shop space at

the end of a row of

shophouses. It is on the

ground floor of a 2-storey HDB

shop house. The current

facing of the row of shop

houses is N2, and there is a

wide open field in front,

creating the "bright hall"

effect. However, there

is a tree right in front,

which may be considered a

poison arrow. (see picture)

I have a choice of placing the

entrance of my shop facing N2

(the bright hall), or W2

(facing a busy "yang"

road). The row of

shophouses was built in Period

7. I've read my Flying

Stars reports for both facings

for both Period 7 and Period


If entrance is W2, in Period

8, it is very auspicious

because of the "Double 8"

stars in front. However,

being built in Period 7, I'm

not sure ifthe the shop

can "fly" into Period 8:

a) Must it follow the Period

of the entire row of

shophouses (ie Period 7)?

b) Being on the ground floor

of the 2-storey shophouse, I

have no chance

of"changing my roof".

c) However, I will be


renovation which

involveschanging the

entire floor, and opening the

new entrance atW2

(currently awall).

Will this be enough for the

shop tobecome a Period 8


Would appreciate your kind



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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