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Dear Robert Labrecque,

Generally, a vacation is just a short term stay at a different place like hotel or in camping a tent. Frankly, this isn't going to be an issue in feng shui. Your earth luck feng shui will still come from your Home.

As for geomancy and camping, well you can still apply feng shui (if you really want, by knowing what direction is good using the Eight House). This concept can be used in virtually any thing you want better placemen (ie your work table, bed etc). So applying that to camping is still possible. But it is really not necessary as mentione vaction is just a temporarily short term stay. Unless of course you plan to stay in a place for a longer period ie 6 months more, then probably finding a good temp. place to stay will still be beneficial.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

On 8/8/2004 10:34:45 PM, Anonymous wrote:

I was wondering how geomancy

affects a person while they

are on vacation? For example

ifI leave my house to go

camping in a tent is the

direction of my tent door

whatwill influence my

feng shui or will my home

remain as what influences my

feng shui.

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