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Master Lee: Thank you for your advice. I have seen successes after great effort, sometimes minimal effort as you say. I am new to this and my gua was an 8 and then a 5 and I do not know whyI saw two--more research needed. I would like to focus on changes and surround myself with positive influences, perhaps change or modify careers. Please read me and offer advice. Thank you millions! 19 Aug 1963- Karen Williams, born Brooklyn, NY, USA between 7 and 8am at home.

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Dear K T,

On 8/25/2004 7:50:47 AM, Anonymous wrote:

Master Lee: Thank you

for your advice. I have seen

successes after great effort,

sometimes minimal effort as

you say.

For most people where luck isn't with them, this is normally the case. Usually, as long as anyone is willing to work, they will often find success. The only difference lies with how fast or slow they will succeed. Often those with luck, will find it faster to gain success.

I am new to this and

my gua was an 8 and then

a 5 and I do not know

whyI saw two--more

research needed.

Generally, Gua number 5 isn't will give you a different Trigram depending if you are Male or Female. So your final Trigram should be 8 Gen / K'en.

I would like

to focus on changes and

surround myself with positive

influences, perhaps change or

modify careers. Please

read me and offer

advice. Thank you

millions! 19 Aug 1963- Karen

Williams, born Brooklyn, NY,

USA between 7 and 8am at home.

Anyway, here is a brief info about you, extracted from our ba zi analysis since you requested about career question and current luck period:-

  • Birth Element: Strong Wood
  • Likes: Fire (red), Metal (white/gold), Earth (yellow)
  • Dislikes: Water (blue/black/gray), Wood (green/brown)
  • Wealth: Earth (yellow)

  • This is a very important concept for you to improve your luck.

    Five element can be applied in many ways, but most important is the Colours of any objects etc.

    Your personal objects / dressing
    ie shades of colours:-

    • Fire - red
    • Metal - white/gold
    • Earth - yellow

    Your career
    ie a Job favourable for you are:-

    • Fire - Marketing, Sales, Fashion, etc
    • Metal - Accountancy, Banking, Investment, etc
    • Earth - Customer Relations, Constuctions, Games, etc

    Age 37 - 46 (2000 - 2009) =
    [jia-zi] (Wood-Water) Inauspicious Period
    Possible Romance Encounter: Zi

    • [2000-2004] jia (Wood) =
      Inauspicious Period
      Heavenly Stem Clash: jia-geng

      • [2004] jia-shen (Wood) - Good

        • [JAN-JUN 2004] jia (Wood) - very inauspicious.
        • [JUL-DEC 2004] shen (Metal) - a little auspicious.

  • [2005-2009] zi (Water) =
    Inauspicious Period
    Earthly Branch Punishment: zi-mao

    • [2005] yi-you (Wood) - Average

      • [JAN-JUN 2005] yi (Wood) - very inauspicious.
      • [JUL-DEC 2005] you (Metal) - a little auspicious.

  • Hope that helps.

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

    Warmest Regards
    Robert Lee
    GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research.

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