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Dear Master Robert Lee,

Thank you so much for your learned answers.

I am honored to be your student.

You are a wonderful Masterand I know that we are all blessed to be your students.

Thank you again and have a Happy New Year as well.


Ame, Course Student

5 Jan 2007


This was a request for the Xuan Kong Flying Stars Certificate. I completed the course today.

It was great! With practice, I can actually improve the feng shui of my home/work.

Robert Chu, MSOM, PhD
31 Aug 2004

Dear Master,
I was studying feng shui for the past four years from various books written mostly by western authors.When I went thro' your website I realised that whatever I learnt was not accurate.Many of my doubts were cleared by information from your site and the promptly replied e mails. I am grateful for the assistance from you.
Thank you once agin for this wonderful site.

Thnking You,
Yours sincerely,
Sulochana Iqbal
31 Aug 2004

Dear Cecil,

Thank you for your responsiveness. Actually, both you and Robert have been exceptional in the services you provide. It was very much appreciated seeing the results of the home floor plan layout we had asked you yo review.

Dr Daniel Wang

United States

27 June 2005

Awesome thanks Robert. BTW the site is looking really good ? so good luck with it all!

Kind regards
Dominique Dowding

New Zealand
17 Aug 2005

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