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hi there, haven't been able to find anything on this.
i have a camel-back shotgun style house.
my front door faces NW but then after that i have a front room, a second room, then a bathroom across from a built-in cabinet closet then a small room we put the computers in then the kitchen, a back room that has a side room that contains the washer and dryer. the back room has a door to the backyard. then to the left of the back room is an upper story (hence 'camel back').
the bedroom and a toilet and sink room are up there.
i saw it wasn't good to have the bed against the window but being that it is a shotgun house (one room after the other)each room is only 13 feet wide, the only place to the bed is by the window.
also i am not sure how to split up my house.
i am starting to feel it (the house) is simply a man-made disaster according to feng shui.
my back room is where i do laundry. every plant in the house dies because we have jolicee windows that don't let in real light, and if the light did come in my house would be even hotter.
should i just try to sell the house as soon as i get the chance.
cause i can definitely feel all the bad all the time, it brings me down.
is there anyone who has the time to email me back about this if it is too long for a post in the forum. i am just so confused. i am not sure even which posts to read because the ones i have looked at don't seem to represent my house.
i don't know if this matters, but the house is at least 50 years old, we can build on to it. could including my backyard help me out?

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