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Hi! I'm moving my business to a new location but I'm confused on how to read the compass. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!

The new shop has a main door (with a porch) that does not get used as much as the back door by customers. The back door is used more by customers so I'm not sure which wayis the best to read the compass facing the front door or facing the back door.

Here are some elements of the entrances:

Thefront door: ~ Is on asmall two waystreet ~ There are4 steps to walk up to the door ~ There is porch.

The back door:~There is asmall winding path to the back door ~ There are about 5 steps leading up to the shop ~ There is a small creek that runs in front of the door just a few yards away.

Also, I'm concerned abouta large tree (I think pine) that is a few feet from the back door but directly in front of it.All the branches are avery high so they do not interfere with the door butthe trunk of the tree is smack in front of the backdoor.

I really want to have my business prosper but with the confusion of the compass reading, I'm lost!

Thank you again!


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