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Dear Master:

In your book series, you mentioned that the main door can not face neighbour's main door. My main door exactly face my neighbour's main door across the street, is it bad, and how I cure it? also my home's site is higher than the neighbour's home site across the street.

Thanks for your advice.


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  • Staff

Dear Anon,

This depends really on how far apart are the two doors. If quite a distance
still acceptable. If too close, the reason behind it is that conflicts will
tend to arise.

It sounds to me like it is a house on the opposite side of the road? Then not an issue. You could always have like some plants or fence that help to block the direct view of the door to door. But like mentioned, if it is a distance away not really an issue.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

On 10/2/2004 11:46:10 PM, Anonymous wrote:

Dear Master:

In your book series, you

mentioned that the main door

can not face neighbour's main

door. My main door exactly

face my neighbour's main door

across the street, is it bad,

and how I cure it? also my

home's site is higher than the

neighbour's home site across

the street.

Thanks for your advice.


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