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Dear Master Cecil Lee,

My Date of Birth is 9 March 1969 at 2332Hrs.

Ihave been employed by my current company as an Operation Executive since 22 March 2004 and therefore have been in service for 6 month.

However, my relationship with my boss and surbordinates have not been good partly due to office politic and favoritism. My boss have already given me two warning letter for some nitty gritty matter

What should i do to improve the situation?

Further, if i want to change job, which industry should i enter into base on my eight character?

Please reply.

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Dear Desmond,

One must always realise that Feng Shui is not a miracle cure for all sorts of problems. Feng Shui main goal is to attempt to create a nice environment that everyone will feel comfortable in it. Once you feel comfortable with the environment thing should go much better for you.

In terms of an Office Environment, there are a lot more factors which is beyond Feng Shui. Such as Boss and Employee relationship. There is no amount of Feng Shui that can change the attitude of a boss to an employee. This is more towards Human Luck or Human to Human relationship or even Employee to Employee relationship.

I mean if you do your job well, and the boss still picks on you, there isn't much you can do. This has to do with the boss attitude towards you. You may have unknownly offended him without you knowing or another employee who has better relationship with your boss could be adding flame to your situation. Frankly, there is no way Feng Shui can help you here. Probably, looking towards another better employment would be a long term solution.

Further, if i want to change job, which industry should i

enter into base on my eight character?

Yes, ba zi helps to make sense about what elements you lack, say if you are a weak wood, then Water and Wood element career will be more favourable for your. So having careers such as IT (Water) or Teaching (Wood) would be more favourable for you.

If you work very hard but still unable to gain success. It could be that your current job environment isn't suitable for you, so you are unable to get any success. So in such situation a change in environment can help you. But ultimately still depends entirely on yourself and your work attitude. In any case, it is always good to get into your boss good books.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

On 10/2/2004 4:12:05 AM, Anonymous wrote:

Dear Master Cecil Lee,

My Date of Birth is 9 March

1969 at 2332Hrs.

Ihave been employed by

my current company as an

Operation Executive since 22

March 2004 and therefore have

been in service for 6 month.

However, my relationship with

my boss and surbordinates have

not been good partly due to

office politic and favoritism.

My boss have already given me

two warning letter for some

nitty gritty matter

What should i do to improve

the situation?

Further, if i want to change

job, which industry should i

enter into base on my eight




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