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Master Cecil Lee,

I really thank you w/ all my heart!!! Ifeel better now.Thank you for your time and knowledge you shared .I'm goi'n to ask you more favor but I'm not so hurry,I will wait for your convenient time no matter how long it will takes. Your right! all houses are built the same, residential area only and there be going to have a coomercial area near my home but commercial area are seperated w/ fence from residential area pls. take a look at the site(1 attachment)I attached the one w/ marked w/ red is my home.theres a lot infront of my house and my neighboor at the back shapes like a hand (is that the so called quantum leap? I'm afraid if it can suck wealth from our home pls. refer to my2nd attachement w/ a green marked is my home infront of my door is a 2 lot w/ one house standing in the middle of 2 lot front of my and neighboor house but our lot is a little bit higher than them that house are still vacant ) I hope to know if the site(Governor hills)has a good fengshui bec. we have plan to buy a house for rental purposes.I heard that there will be a School near the home next to commercial site next year.I tried to look some site but according to your resources about shapes & forms a site w/ an open mouth is no good bec. it signifies a hungry mouthI first check the shape of site map most of themhas an open mouth and the built of the houses areunequal+ thecreek near the houses.but I'm going to find more good site but I hope to have a rental houses near my home if our site has a good site.I have mini fountain at the NE outside the home at the garden and I will remove my fountain at SE inside the home and replace it w/ a harder object to activate the mountain star.Thank you once again!!! More power!

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