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Respected Sir,

I have been regularly visiting this highly informative site, On search I learnt that a screen needs to be placed in between main door & staircase, I have tried using semicircular mat( also mentioned as a cure for this problem) to good effect to some extent, can I use an additional cure like potted plant near the stairs & I would be glad to know the exact place this should be placed as distance between main door & stairs is 3 to 4 feet .I had placed it in area marked in red circle but this did not give me good effect.Canthis be placed on 1st stair which is marked as green circle .Please reply

Thank you


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Dear Ann,

For some Chinese, they would consider using the Ba Gua mirror.

However, even if one places a potted plant as what you had mentioned, unfortunately, the staircase is still in full view thus such a remedy may not work properly.

Frankly, when confronted with such an issue, it is very difficult to resolve it since the underlining thing is "if it cannot be seen, it no longer becomes a threat" cannot be fulfilled.

Warmest Regards,

On 11/21/2004 9:34:43 PM, Anonymous wrote:

Respected Sir,

I have been regularly visiting

this highly informative site,

On search I learnt that a

screen needs to be placed in

between main door &

staircase, I have tried using

semicircular mat( also

mentioned as a cure for this

problem) to good effect to

some extent, can I use an

additional cure like potted

plant near the stairs & I

would be glad to know the

exact place this should be

placed as distance between

main door & stairs is 3 to

4 feet .I had placed it in

area marked in red circle but

this did not give me good

effect.Canthis be

placed on 1st stair

which is marked as green

circle .Please reply

Thank you


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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