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Dear Detroit,

Generally, anything sharp pointing towards you is considered a poison arrow. But how bad will depends on how big or how visible the object is as well as how far away is it.

If it is a small object that is quite a distance away then it is considered minor. But if is pretty obvious and it points say towards the main door or living room windows etc. Then you may need to try to put say a someplants or if you have afenceor even some roll down blinds if you have some balcony type area etc which can help to block the sha qi.

Generally, as long as you cannot see the threat from your main door or living room then it is no longer a big issue. So anything which can block the path should be ok. But if the object is really small, then not really a major issue.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

On 11/30/2004 10:29:47 AM, Anonymous wrote:

Hi Master,

I post this question before

but did not get any reply.

Will appreciate if you can

advice me. My neighbour using

the sharp hanging mobile

number pointing towards my

house. What should I do? will

it cause any harm to my house?

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