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Hi All,

I need to be shifting my office soon and would like advice on checking the entrance direction.

Does one check the entrance direction of the main building itself or the entrance facing of the office? The building entrance could be one direction while the office facing could be another, so which one is more important?

Thanks in advance!

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Hi Anon,

1. If you take the entrance of the building, you will be doing a feng shui for the entire building. This means that you will be doing the feng shui for tall offices within the building itself. Which is a larger scale of analysis typically used for when you are planning to build the entire building itself.

2. Each office unit within the building does have it's own feng shui, so you should be looking at the individual feng shui of the office based on the main door or office frontage.

Since your aim is to check on your own office, then you should point 2.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui

On 11/30/2004 5:46:54 AM, Anonymous wrote:

Hi All,
I need to be

shifting my office soon and

would like advice on checking

the entrance direction.

one check the entrance

direction of the main building

itself or the entrance facing

of the office? The building

entrance could be one

direction while the office

facing could be another, so

which one is more

Thanks in advance!

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