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Thankyou Master,

I've checked the Ba zi and was a fire element.

However the advice on colours are totally opposite from the geomacer advised I received.

I was told that because I have 4 fire elements,3 earth elements.1 water element and no wood& metal element ,therefore I shall be encouraged to have more wood(green) & metal (white) elements in the house.

Currently I have my house painted in yellow(earth)& blue(water) which according to the Ba zi table is good.

I am still confused as to whether I shall change the colour of my house.

Kindly advice & thankyou in advance.

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Dear Chee Kiong,

I won't know what theories or concepts other geomancer may have used as such not able to common on their analysis. Some geomancers uses Chinese Astrology, some use I-Ching, some use Ba Zi etc.

Even those who use Ba Zi, a simple ba zi analysis can take your Year of Birth element, the more detailed one can take Day of Birth. Also how detail you analyse will also make an impact to what recommendations they will make. As such, so far from my experience, you can go to different geomancers, and there will different analysis results that may come out all depends on how information has been analysed.

The only thing I can tell you here is that at Geomancy.net, we have worked out a series of tools that when used properly, will give you the best possible analysis results.

In addition, all the analysis are done with as much details as possible. This will allow you to get the best possible analysis so that you can focus NOT on how to calculate the analysis. But rather to focus on analysis and trying to fix the leaks rather than working on the analysis.

Though, I am sure this will not make it as easy for users, as seeking advise from two different masters will only lead to total confusion. So you have to make a choice to follow an advice completely from the source which you feel most comfortable with. Generally, any analysis done, as long as done with the correct tools will really not go very wrong as each Feng Shui theory available actually complements each other.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

On 1/7/2005 3:58:07 AM, Anonymous wrote:

Thankyou Master,

I've checked the Ba zi and was

a fire element.

However the advice on colours

are totally opposite from the

geomacer advised I received.

I was told that because I have

4 fire elements,3 earth

elements.1 water element and

no wood& metal

element ,therefore I shall be

encouraged to have more

wood(green) & metal

(white) elements in the house.

Currently I have my house

painted in yellow(earth)&

blue(water) which according to

the Ba zi table is good.

I am still confused as to

whether I shall change

the colour of my house.

Kindly advice & thankyou

in advance.

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