myfs_100950 Posted January 9, 2005 Share Posted January 9, 2005 Hello Master Cecil LeeI read from your forum that a four claws dragon can be display facing a main doorentrance to overlook a sha qi.Sometime few months ago I posted amail by placing shower curtainbecause of our main door diagonally facing our toilet. Finally we observeour main door, dinning table, kitchen door facing directly the main door except toilet door diagonally facing the main door. We decided to place a partition somewhere near to themain door entrance. Do wehvto follow the breadwinner birth element colour (weak water)? Most favourable element colour white/gold. Favourable element colour blue/black/gray.Why can't take theHeavenly Luck colour (Kua 2-earth) yellow. What is the best option to choose the partition and the colour?Which material is good to use wood, metal or glass?Need your advice? Awaiting for your reply. Thank you in advance.With warmest regardsSophia Chia Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted February 4, 2005 Staff Share Posted February 4, 2005 Dear Sophia,1. Dining table in full view of the Main Entrance door1.1 Commonsense Approach to Feng ShuiUnder the commonsense approach to Feng Shui, it is always better not to have the dining table to be in direct full view of the main entrance. For the simple reason that for most people, the dining table could be a "depository" for lots of things such as a loaf of bread, cups, and food waiting to be consumed by various family members. Here, even if we have a small family, often, food is to be left over for one or the other family members coming back late from school or work.Thus, for some, the dining table can be "unsightly".In addition, if one leaves the door open and if one's apartment is at a corridor, neighbours could view our dining table food. Which often, is considered as "a privacy" issue.2. Symbolism in Feng ShuiIt is particularly inauspicious to place "sharp objects" on a dining table. Simple daily use items like forks and butter knives can be considered as poison arrows. If one stands at the main entrance and can see them. This often results in quarrels and disharmony in the family.Warmest Regards,Cecil Quote On 1/9/2005 6:46:19 PM, Anonymous wrote:Hello Master Cecil LeeI read from your forum that afour claws dragon can bedisplay facing a maindoorentrance to overlooka sha qi.Sometime fewmonths ago I postedamail by placing showercurtainbecause of ourmain door diagonally facingour toilet. Finally weobserveour main door,dinning table, kitchen doorfacing directly the main doorexcept toilet door diagonallyfacing the main door. Wedecided to place a partitionsomewhere near tothemain door entrance.Do wehvto followthe breadwinner birth elementcolour (weak water)? Mostfavourable element colourwhite/gold. Favourable elementcolour blue/black/gray.Whycan't taketheHeavenly Luckcolour (Kua 2-earth) yellow.What is the best option tochoose the partition and thecolour?Which material isgood to use wood, metal orglass?Needyour advice? Awaitingfor your reply. Thank you inadvance.With warmest regardsSophia Chia Expand Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted February 4, 2005 Staff Share Posted February 4, 2005 Dear SophiaPart II - Guidelines on a good partition design:-1. AVOID CIRCULAR DESIGNS ON THE PARTITIONWhere possible, the partition should not have circular designs on it. Or a circular fish tank built into it.Under symbolism in Feng Shui, a circle represents the pot-hole of a ship. For example, opening it could be symbolic of allowing water gushing into a ship sinking it.2. AVOID THREE VERTICAL WOOD BEAMS It is best to avoid a partition that has three vertical beams. And even more inauspicious if light box are built into these wooden beams.This is because this symbolises THREE JOSS STICKs i.e. such as paying respect to the dead.3. GOODFENG SHUI (RULER) DIMENSIONSWhere possible, use the Feng Shui ruler to get an auspicious length and breath of the dimensions of the partition. The most auspicious dimensions are in the multiples of 43 cm or 17 inches times (x) a factor of 1, 2, 3 etc... Thus an auspicious length could be 34 inches etc...4. AVOID REFLECTIVE GLASS FACING THE MAIN ENTRANCEIf possible, the glass panels are sand blasted or matt facing the main entrance door. We do not want to open the main door and let wealth be reflected out of the home.5. AVOID SLICING OR CUTTING INTO THE LIVING ROOM SOFA OR THE DINING TABLEOften, in the design of a partition, we forgot to note that by installing a partition, we could inadvertently have it become a cutting edge that slices into the dining area or table causing a "split".6. VERTICAL BEAM DESIGNAs mentioned above, three vertical beam design is considered inauspicious. And many like to avoid 2 pieces (separation or divorce) or 4 pieces (in Cantonese dialect - means die). Thus it is favourable to have 5, 6 or 8 pieces instead.7. SOLID PARTITION?Is it true that the partition should be entirely "air-tight?".Well it is not necessary for a partition to be fully "air-tight". It can still have gaps to allow light source to flow thru the other side or can see thru to the other side.By having some gaps or to use glass or semi-glass panels, it is good to have light pass thru to the other side since, often, by not doing so, areas such as the main door can get extremely dark.Frankly, there are many other more guidelines, but for now, the above are what I can think off-for-the moment.Warmest Regards,Cecil Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_157997 Posted October 2, 2013 Share Posted October 2, 2013 Hi Master Cecil,I read with interest on the type of partition for the home. I won't be able to hang "bagua" or put anything outside my corridor because of management regulations (the apt is overseas). So I am thinking of putting a partition inside the home to make a foyer since my main door is facing directly the lift entrance. I like some of the partitions very much with auspicious pictures. But 2,3,4 beams are not good. So I am thinking if there are no beams, then it should be fine ?I attached some photos for your advise. Thank you. regards,Tina Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 2, 2013 Staff Share Posted October 2, 2013 These are some considerations for a partition:-1. Usually, and not a must. Often partition size are: 35" (pretty small); 42" or huge 49 3/4" in width. The thickness for practical reasons is not that critical.2. Ideally, under common sense; there should at least be 900 cm clearance from the door to the partition to allow ease of bringing in things into the apartment.3. Best not to have flimsy partition e.g. those that e.g. have a few panels. Again for practical reasons; such partition may topple down. Thus if one really likes to place a partition; it should be able to withstand "wind" blowing from inside of the house out of the door and vice versa. 4. Thus a partition that sway with the wind is often irritating, to say the least. 5. Where possible; do not have vertical panels that are even numbers as often, when standing at the main door; even number of panels can symbolise a split e.g. 2 panels or 4 panels is considered "inauspicious".6. Where possible; the panel should not have highly reflective panel facing the main door. Again, this is common sense. Where for some; when returning home; may get a "shock" seeing a "figure" or shadow when entering the home.7. The two panels that you have shown are acceptable. In fact; in the 1990's I do see some having panels with koi fishes etched into the glass panel(s).8. In the past; the first generation HDB flats have doors and door frame that have auspicious "openings" e.g. 35". Thus, it makes sense that the partition could be auspicious dimensions as mentioned under Para 1, above.9. In addition, contrary to popular belief; a partition need not be "air-tight". But can be see thru. And may contain display shelves. Again, these shelves must not have a vertical split where there are even number of display shelving.10. Do avoid having a circle design for the partition.11. For Chinese motif; such as Longevity, Prosperity or infinity symbol are equally popular for those who like all things Chinese. These are typically seen at some Chinese restaurants e.g. in San Francisco Chinatown and elsewhere.12. The partition also need not reach the full height of the ceiling. For some homes partition height are kept at the main door frame height or lower to allow light to bounce up above the partition to bring more light to the foyer.13. Avoid placing a set of Fu Lou Shou figurines facing the main door e.g. if the partition has a display shelf. Some say that it is like employing them as security guard for the home. (Disrespectful).14. There are more common sense, stuff; but for now: I tried to recall as much as I could. Quote On 10/2/2013 8:11:01 PM, Anonymous wrote:Hi Master Cecil,I read withinterest on the type ofpartition for the home. Iwon't be able to hang "bagua"or put anything outside mycorridor because of managementregulations (the apt isoverseas). So I am thinking ofputting a partition inside thehome to make a foyer since mymain door is facing directlythe lift entrance. I like someof the partitions very muchwith auspicious pictures. But2,3,4 beams are not good. So Iam thinking if there are nobeams, then it should be fine?I attached some photos foryour advise. Thank you.regards,Tina Expand Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 2, 2013 Staff Share Posted October 2, 2013 Center of the photo showing the auspicious infinity loop symbol.There are many standarddesigns based onMandarin word characters also likeLongevity, Prosperity. Often, also seen on the clothings of the figurines: Fu Luo Shou... etc... Quote On 10/2/2013 11:03:52 PM, Anonymous wrote:These are some considerations for apartition:-1. Usually, and not a must.Often partition size are: 35" (prettysmall); 42" or huge 49 3/4" in width.The thickness for practical reasons isnot that critical.2. Ideally, undercommon sense; there should at least be900 cm clearance from the door to thepartition to allow ease of bringing inthings into the apartment.3. Best not tohave flimsy partition e.g. those thate.g. have a few panels. Again forpractical reasons; such partition maytopple down. Thus if one really likes toplace a partition; it should be able towithstand "wind" blowing from inside ofthe house out of the door and viceversa. 4. Thus a partition that swaywith the wind is often irritating, tosay the least. 5. Where possible; do nothave vertical panels that are evennumbers as often, when standing at themain door; even number of panels cansymbolise a split e.g. 2 panels or 4panels is considered "inauspicious".6.Where possible; the panel should nothave highly reflective panel facing themain door. Again, this is common sense.Where for some; when returning home; mayget a "shock" seeing a "figure" orshadow when entering the home.7. The twopanels that you have shown areacceptable. In fact; in the 1990's I dosee some having panels with koi fishesetched into the glass panel(s).8. In thepast; the first generation HDB flatshave doors and door frame that haveauspicious "openings" e.g. 35". Thus, itmakes sense that the partition could beauspicious dimensions as mentioned underPara 1, above.9. In addition, contraryto popular belief; a partition need notbe "air-tight". But can be see thru. Andmay contain display shelves. Again,these shelves must not have a verticalsplit where there are even number ofdisplay shelving.10. Do avoid having acircle design for the partition.11. ForChinese motif; such as Longevity,Prosperity or infinity symbol areequally popular for those who like allthings Chinese. These are typically seenat some Chinese restaurants e.g. in SanFrancisco Chinatown and elsewhere.12.The partition also need not reach thefull height of the ceiling. For somehomes partition height are kept at themain door frame height or lower to allowlight to bounce up above the partitionto bring more light to the foyer.13.Avoid placing a set of Fu Lou Shoufigurines facing the main door e.g. ifthe partition has a display shelf. Somesay that it is like employing them assecurity guard for the home.(Disrespectful).14. There are morecommon sense, stuff; but for now: Itried to recall as much as I could.On10/2/2013 8:11:01 PM, Tina Ku wrote:Hi Master Cecil,I read withinterest on the type ofpartition for the home. Iwon'tbe able to hang "bagua"or putanything outside mycorridor becauseof managementregulations (the aptisoverseas). So I am thinking ofputting a partition inside thehome to make a foyer since mymain door is facing directlythelift entrance. I like someof thepartitions very muchwith auspiciouspictures. But2,3,4 beams are notgood. So Iam thinking if there arenobeams, then it should be fine?I attached some photos foryouradvise. Thank you.regards,Tina Expand Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 2, 2013 Staff Share Posted October 2, 2013 Some of the partitions mentioned in the attachment are considered inauspicious. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 18, 2014 Staff Share Posted July 18, 2014 Contrary to popular belief; a partition need not be all the way to the ceiling. And also, need not be "air-tight".In the attachment, this partition has 5 squarish wooden poles that are spaced-apart. Quote On 10/2/2013 11:33:05 PM, Anonymous wrote:Some of the partitionsmentioned in the attachmentare considered inauspicious. Expand Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted December 7, 2014 Staff Share Posted December 7, 2014 Question: Morning. Would like to konw the partition in the living room near the entrance door must be same height as the door & can it have see thru holes? Thinking of book shelf/dispaly shelf to act as partition.Reply:1. No need to be full height - so that natural light can be reflected over the ceiling.2. Can have holes.3 Of all things, the home is not a library; so; the holes are meant for display decor items (if any) Few if any display reading materials Quote On 7/18/2014 9:37:08 PM, Anonymous wrote:Contrary to popular belief; a partitionneed not be all the way to the ceiling.And also, need not be "air-tight".In theattachment, this partition has 5squarish wooden poles that arespaced-apart.On 10/2/2013 11:33:05 PM,Cecil Lee wrote:Some of the partitionsmentioned in the attachmentare considered inauspicious. Expand Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted June 1, 2016 Staff Share Posted June 1, 2016 1. Please see this illustration. 2. This partition is long and covers the entire main entrance door. 3. In addition, it is full height up to the entire ceiling of the house. 3.1. As mentioned in some of the earlier threads; full height and especially now that it is "air-tight" means that light from the living room cannot filter to the main door. Thus generally, making the foyer area dim. 3.2. Another thing I would like to highlight with this "air-tight" partition is that often for safety reasons; those sitting at the sofa area will not see who is coming in or if a family member is at the main door talking to a person or stranger. 3.3. Personally, I would still prefer some openings so that if I am seated at the sofa area, I can at least "monitor" what is going on at the main door. 3.4. This is why, don't be mistaken that a partition has to be air-tight. Some of the earlier threads shows other partitions that are e.g. 5 poles etc.. in addition, this allows light towards the foyer; adequate air-flow and also as mentioned under para 3.2 to 3.3; can monitor what is going on at the main entrance door. 4. For some of us; just imagine, hearing the main door open and only later than can see who (which family members have returned home especially if no sound or voice is heard from them). Quote On 12/7/2014 8:21:59 AM, Anonymous wrote:>>>Some of the partitions>>>mentioned in the attachment>>>are considered inauspicious. Expand Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 13, 2020 Staff Share Posted October 13, 2020 A unique Feng Shui book to showcase that 70% of non-theory related Feng Shui are related to Common Sense. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted October 24, 2020 Staff Share Posted October 24, 2020 Past Resource (2003 Illustration of a Partition) Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
dyungim Posted May 5, 2023 Share Posted May 5, 2023 On 7/18/2014 at 9:37 PM, Cecil Lee said: Contrary to popular belief; a partition need not be all the way to the ceiling. And also, need not be "air-tight". In the attachment, this partition has 5 squarish wooden poles that are spaced-apart. Expand Dear Cecil, Thank you so much for providing this site and forum as a resource. I am wondering, would such a partition in the photo above be either sources of sha qi or "slicing/cutting" the dining table? Or does the arrangement of the columns negate this, i.e. since the columns are forming a "wall"/partition, they are no longer considered to be individually cutting, and the assembly only projects poison arrows from its ends? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted May 6, 2023 Staff Share Posted May 6, 2023 On 5/5/2023 at 8:04 PM, dyungim said: Dear Cecil, Thank you so much for providing this site and forum as a resource. I am wondering, would such a partition in the photo above be either sources of sha qi or "slicing/cutting" the dining table? Or does the arrangement of the columns negate this, i.e. since the columns are forming a "wall"/partition, they are no longer considered to be individually cutting, and the assembly only projects poison arrows from its ends? Expand 1. The above (example) partition is acceptable. Since the wooden partition are parallel to the wall and the door. 1.1. Thus considered as a non-issue and does not create any Sha qi or poison arrow(s) - if any. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++ +++++++ HOWEVER SLANTED PANELS MAY BECOME A POISON ARROW 2. Slanted panels as shown below can result in poison arrows either aimed towards the main door or the dining table. OR Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted May 6, 2023 Staff Share Posted May 6, 2023 From Day 1, we share your concern We will never sell you any products! ++++++++++ +++++ Many Feng Shui Masters are a Feng Shui Store in disguise Beware: Even those who claim to have a Feng Shui lineage are equally guilty of this Ask: "Must I buy from you?" Find out more... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted May 6, 2023 Staff Share Posted May 6, 2023 PLEASE HELP SPREAD THE WORD ABOUT FAKE FENG SHUI Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted May 6, 2023 Staff Share Posted May 6, 2023 The Experts in House Hunting " As much as we see, has great web presence built up over the years and is seen as one of the SG market leaders in residential house audit. " Success starts with good Feng Shui Transparent Pricing & No Hidden Costs. No Purchase of Products. Cecil Lee, +65 9785-3171 / The Experts in House Hunting Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jul99 Posted June 15, 2023 Share Posted June 15, 2023 Hello Master Cecil, thanks for sharing your advice with us in this forum, I have yet another consultation, I decided on a house already with a very auspicious distribution, however outside of my bedroom balcony there is a tree that cuts right in the middle of the window, I would like to know if it is considered a poison arrow and if I should get rid of it, thanks, the tree is inside my property, the tree is almost as tall as the house Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted June 16, 2023 Staff Share Posted June 16, 2023 Illustration of a Potential Sha Qi or Poison Arrow 1. It also depends on the distance the tree is to the window(s). 2. The thickness or hardness of the tree. 3. Not a poison arrow nor an issue or threat if the tree trunk is covered by lots of leaves as shown by this photo:- [Above] If a tree trunk is completely covered by leaves; even if we can see a faint outline of the tree trunk; the this is no longer a threat. To be a threat, the tree trunk is fully exposed. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++ Potential Sha Qi or Poison Arrow? If so, the tree trunk would be visible and “strong". For example, just imagine if a car even if it is a BMW or Mercedes were to smash into it to its side, sometimes the car split into half. Then this tree (tree trunk) is a potential poison arrow. Any potential cure? Concept of : If can no longer be seen, it is no longer a threat. Thus for an opening such as a window. it is easier to "contain” or cure. For example, by installing Day curtains and permanently drawing it down. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jul99 Posted June 16, 2023 Share Posted June 16, 2023 I see, thanks a lot for your reply Master Cecil. I will tell the construction company to remove it then as the trunk is more or less thick and is in the middle of my parking lot Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted June 17, 2023 Staff Share Posted June 17, 2023 .From my home's living room, I can see this sharp corner of another building. Yes, if so the sharp corner of the other building is considered as a Sha Qi or Poison arrow WhatsApp Video 2023-06-17 at 16.08.06.mp4Fetching info... Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ben yap Posted August 5, 2023 Share Posted August 5, 2023 Good day Master Cecil, I just bought a fully furnish 4 room flat and planning to do some minor renovation. i have heard many from friends that the main door cannot face the window directly. the house I bought has a direct line of sight to the main window which faces directly to the expressway. so I guess i need to build a partition at the main entrance to block the view to the window right? This is my layout and my planned design. seek your professional advise please. thanks regards ben Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted August 6, 2023 Staff Share Posted August 6, 2023 On 8/5/2023 at 6:50 PM, Ben yap said: Good day Master Cecil, I just bought a fully furnish 4 room flat and planning to do some minor renovation. i have heard many from friends that the main door cannot face the window directly. the house I bought has a direct line of sight to the main window which faces directly to the expressway. so I guess i need to build a partition at the main entrance to block the view to the window right? This is my layout and my planned design. seek your professional advise please. thanks regards ben Expand Yes, this is considered as a conservative approach to Feng Shui. There are several resources in this same thread on this topic to take note of. Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted August 6, 2023 Staff Share Posted August 6, 2023 Some considerations for a partition at front (main) door Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted August 6, 2023 Staff Share Posted August 6, 2023 Close balcony sliding door Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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