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About Feng Shui at Geomancy.Net
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Dear Master,

We recently moved into a new house and renovated it, without moving walls and before... reading the Fengh Shui tips. I knew something... about Feng Shui (mainly about the 5 elements/colours, and their constructive/distructive cycle - which I tried to apply in my house - quite successfully). The househas large windows, the light inside is so warm, looks really great...

After reading your site I was really distroyed... A lot of things are wrong, according to Feng Shui. The main problem (according to me) is thatmy main doorfacing South...is a beautiful opaque glass door ., under the toilet of the next floor... Oh, God!

All my doors are wood doors with glass insertion (a mozaic with red, yellow and green parts) in the center. I was thinking to add such a mozaic on the glass front door too, maybe the fire won't be estinguished by the water element of the glass... Should I?

I read somewhere that covering the door with a cloth, adding mirrors to the ceiling, and windchimesmight help also...Does it ?

Thank you in advance for your time and congratulations on your very informative site


Doris Stoian

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Dear Doris,

There are several dimensions of Feng Shui or degrees of "understanding" what is good or bad Feng Shui.

For example:

1. Enhancing Qi

Some Feng Shui actions or activities are to enhance qi or to boost qi in a home. For example such as activating #8 under Flying Star Feng Shui. Where especially #8 has to do with the current water wealth location.

2. Neutralising Sha Qi or Poison arrows

There are also imbalances caused e.g. by a pointed roof aimed towards our home e.g. a lone street lamp slicing into our main entrance etc...

3. Commonsense approach to Feng Shui

Fortunately, from what I can gather, yours has to do with a toilet above the main entrance door.

This has much to do with "commonsense" that there is a higher probability that since the toilet is above the door and if the sewerage pipe(s) are located just above it, then, there could be an issue (not often) but a higher chance that it may leak downwards.

Otherwise, generally, this third category is not the "worse" type of "bad" Feng Shui.

It is equivalent of the idea that we should not have our bed above the kitchen. For "fear" that there is also a higher probabilty of a fire starting out in a kitchen, also.

It is equivalent to the notion that some were told that it is not favourable to have the masterbedroom above the garage. For the same reason that in the unlikely-hood that if vehicle or car catches fire... the flames could reach the masterbedroom.

Thus, as one can see, your concerns are associated with "commonsense approach" type of Feng Shui concerns or issues.

Warmest Regards,

On 1/10/2005 7:45:58 AM, Anonymous wrote:

Dear Master,

We recently moved into a new

house and renovated it,

without moving walls and

before... reading the Fengh

Shui tips. I knew something...

about Feng Shui (mainly about

the 5 elements/colours, and

their constructive/distructive

cycle - which I tried to apply

in my house - quite

successfully). The

househas large windows,

the light inside is so warm,

looks really great...

After reading your site I was

really distroyed... A lot of

things are wrong, according to

Feng Shui. The main problem

(according to me) is

thatmy main


South...is a beautiful

opaque glass door ., under the

toilet of the next floor...

Oh, God!

All my doors are wood doors

with glass insertion (a mozaic

with red, yellow and green

parts) in the center. I was

thinking to add such a mozaic

on the glass front door too,

maybe the fire won't be

estinguished by the water

element of the glass... Should


I read somewhere that covering

the door with a cloth, adding

mirrors to the ceiling, and

windchimesmight help

also...Does it ?

Thank you in advance for your

time and congratulations on

your very informative site


Doris Stoian

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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