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I have used the free service to analyse the best sleep direction for me and my husband. Unfortunately, the directions which is of benefit to me isdeemed harmfulto him,and vice-versa.The current position of our bed is headdirecting atthe North-west position. Due to the constrain in the layout of the room, we can't change the position of the bed. How and what can I do to eliminate the "harm" or neutralises it. Does placing a crystal in the room help and where should I place it?

Thank you very much.


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  • Staff

Dear Cassendra,

The important thing about bed placement is that you should try to place the bed in a position if possible as shown in this link:-


It is very common when you apply the sleep position that you are both exact opposite (ie what is good for you isn't good for the other).

So the only thing you do is to check out the eight house to see which side of the bed you should be sleeping. (ie North side which is closer to the left side of the bed is disaster, while North-East closer to the right side of the bed is health. Then you should opt for the right side of the bed.) This way each of you get to sleep on the side where it is closer to your favourable sector.

Usually where bed arrangement is out of the question, then you can only opt to make sure that at least the side of the bed you are sleeping is better for you. No need for any other items.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

On 1/15/2005 6:31:56 PM, Anonymous wrote:

I have used the free service

to analyse the best sleep

direction for me and my

husband. Unfortunately, the

directions which is of benefit

to me isdeemed

harmfulto him,and

vice-versa.The current

position of our bed is


atthe North-west

position. Due to the constrain

in the layout of the room, we

can't change the position of

the bed. How and what can I do

to eliminate the "harm" or

neutralises it. Does placing a

crystal in the room help and

where should I place it?

Thank you very much.


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