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(!--StartFragment -->I am Kua 6. North is my Liu Sha (Six Killings)

West is Grand Duke this yr.

East is Three Killings.

I read that we should not sit facing the Grand Duke.

And, we should not sit with our back facing Three Killings.

If my desk position is only limited to 2 directions (face WEST or face NORTH), what direction should I change to?

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  • Staff

Dear Anon,

In terms of this question, with regards to Grand Duke and sitting direction. If possible, you should avoid sitting facing the West. However, where you have constrain in this, then this Grand Duke issue is the least concerned.

There are many concepts but not everything has to be followed depending on priority.

Since you have a choice of direction North, then it would be advisable to sit facing North.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

On 1/23/2005 8:33:57 PM, Anonymous wrote:

(!--StartFragment --

am Kua 6. North is my Liu Sha

(Six Killings) West is Grand

Duke this yr. East is Three

Killings. I read that we

should not sit facing the

Grand Duke. And, we should not

sit with our back facing Three

Killings. If my desk position

is only limited to 2

directions (face WEST or face

NORTH), what direction should

I change to?

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