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Our maindoor is facing NE75 (East house), Backdoor facing N0 (N2) Is this still belong to N?. I hope to prepare the backdoor for my husband since E is his disaster but if the backdoor is belong to N that was my husband death area. Can youpls. give me an advise regarding this.My husband DOB is Jan. 5,1971 LUNAR.West group person strong fire element. The house is landed property and own house. We are currently living in a Apartment and we plan to stayed in our own house next year.We visit the house once a yer and stayed there for a couple of weeks. I think the house has a good fengshui and very suitable for mebut I also want to consider the door for my husband. Thanks in advance!

  • 20-Year Reigning Period: 7 (1984-2003)
  • House Direction: N2 (0/360)

  • Owner: me
  • Gender: Female
  • Date of Birth: 31 Jan 1977

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Dear Josephine,

Firstly, N2 is a short form for North Sector 2. You see each direction ie North has a 45 degree angle. In flying star, each direction is divided into 15 degree sector, thus, you get N1/N2/N3. N2 simply represents 0/360 direction or true north direction.

Based on what you mentioned, your home is a landed property. Why are using the backdoor as the direction? You should either use the main door or the frontage. For landed property we recommend that you use the frontage of the house.

Furthermore, since the alternative backdoor is North is death for your husband, it means that will not be a good door for your husband to use. You mentioned, that your main door is NE75, so what is your husband's eight house for NE? If it is anything better than Death (N) or Disaster (E), then you should use that as his entrance. Since N and E are bad, what is NE for him?

But you should know that, you cannot expect to get luck by remote control. This means that if this landed property isn't where you are staying, then you will not get the luck from the house itself. In fact, the luck you will be getting from is from the current apartment. In order to enjoy the feng shui of the house, you have to be staying there to benefit from it.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

On 1/27/2005 3:57:29 AM, Anonymous wrote:

Our maindoor is facing

NE75 (East house), Backdoor

facing N0 (N2) Is this

still belong to N?. I

hope to prepare the backdoor

for my husband since E is his

disaster but if the backdoor

is belong to N that was my

husband death area. Can

youpls. give me an

advise regarding this.My

husband DOB is Jan. 5,1971

LUNAR.West group person

strong fire element. The house

is landed property and own

house. We are currently living

in a Apartment and we plan to

stayed in our own house next

year.We visit the house once a

yer and stayed there for a

couple of weeks. I think

the house has a good fengshui

and very suitable for

mebut I also want to

consider the door for my

husband. Thanks in advance!

20-Year Reigning Period: 7


House Direction: N2 (0/360)

Owner: me

Gender: Female

Date of Birth: 31 Jan 1977

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  • 14 years later...
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Under Flying Star Feng Shui, a home should fall within one of the 24 sectors.

Thus N2 happens to be one of these sectors. Thus N2 is a Flying Star Feng Shui jagon.

If a home's frontage compass direction falls within 352.5 degrees to 7.4 degrees. Then, the home is considered as facing N2.


Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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