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Dear Master Lee:

Thank you very much for your quick response. My husband and I are looking at this new house. Its facing is SW1which is sum-of-ten house. However, thehouse's sectors that have mountain star8 (NE) and mountain star 9 (W) have large windows. This means these mountain stars cannot be activated.

1) Will this (being notable to activate the mountain stars) diminish the good effect of the sum-of-ten house?

2) Should westill consider buyingthis houseeven if we cannot activate the mountain stars?

The NE sector is the back of the house where the backyard is flat for a few yards and then gradually sloped upward.

3) Since the mountain star 8 in this sector cannot be activated because of the window and sliding door, can this sloping upward in the backyard be considered the mountain?

4) I'd also like to know if this sloping upward in the backyard has any good effect on the mountain star 8 even if it cannot be activated?

Thank you so much for your advice,


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Dear Pam,

1. There are two types of Flying star charts:

1.1. Vertical Flying Star Charts
1.2. Horizontal Flying star charts

2. For those who have been using the free House number report under http://www.geomancy-online.com should understand that it uses the vertical flying star analysis to determine which floor or level is good or bad. Thus in the same block or unit, certain floors or storey are good while others may not be that favourable.

3. However, for the common 20 Year Flying star charts, it is a horizontal flying star chart. Thus, even if the mountain stars arelocated at NE and W: check to see whether the mountain star(s) can be activated in the garden.

For example, outside of the home garden, create a mountain landscaping.

If so, the sum-of-ten can still be effected, here. Thus, sum-of-ten can still be effective.

Please see below:-

On 1/27/2005 7:21:04 PM, Anonymous wrote:

Dear Master Lee:

Thank you very much for your

quick response. My

husband and I are looking at

this new house. Its

facing is SW1which is

sum-of-ten house.

However, thehouse's

sectors that have mountain

star8 (NE) and mountain

star 9 (W) have large

windows. This means

these mountain stars cannot be


1) Will this (being

notable to activate the

mountain stars) diminish the

good effect of the sum-of-ten


Please see above.

2) Should westill

consider buyingthis

houseeven if we cannot

activate the mountain


What is worse is if there is a water feature e.g. swimming pool or pond outside this immediate area.

If so, it is a worst case senario where water drowns the mountain. Thus, negating the sum-of-ten.

The NE sector is the back of

the house where the backyard

is flat for a few yards and

then gradually sloped


This is quite common sight for a home. What is more important is where the drainage out of the property is. Or the point where the water exits the home.

3) Since the mountain

star 8 in this sector cannot

be activated because of the

window and sliding door,

can this sloping upward in the

backyard be considered the


Since this is the back of the house, either landscaping or a concrete wall can "activate" the mountain star or the tortise support.

4) I'd also like to know

if this sloping upward in the

backyard has any good effect

on the mountain star 8 even if

it cannot be activated?

The sloping upward is favourable. But often to activate a mountain, it should preferably be as high as the window opening i.e. if there is a window behind; the test is to stand inside the house looking out of the window. If we totally cannot see any view out of it (because of the high back wall) then, this is a mountain.

Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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Dear Master Cecil:

Thank you very much for your response.

1) Regarding your response that if there was a water feature in the backyard where the moutain star is, this would negate the sum-of-ten effect. Since the back yardof this house is sloping upward, the builder had installed a "concrete drainageditch" right behind the fence of the property's boundary, so that water comingfrom the higherground above will flow into this ditch, and won't flood the backyard, should there bea big rain storm. Is this ditch considered bad fengshui?

2) The front of the house has a storm drain which is right below the streetsidewalk. This storm drain has an opening about 4 feet wide. This openingis between the driveways of this house and of the next-door neighbor's house. Is this storm drain considered bad fengshui?

Thank you very much for your advice.


On 2/4/2005 7:06:57 AM, Anonymous wrote:

Dear Pam,

1. There are two types of

Flying star charts:1.1.

Vertical Flying Star

Charts1.2. Horizontal Flying

star charts

2. For those who have been

using the free House number

report under


should understand that it uses

the vertical flying star

analysis to determine which

floor or level is good or bad.

Thus in the same block or

unit, certain floors or storey

are good while others may not

be that favourable.

3. However, for the common 20

Year Flying star charts, it is

a horizontal flying star

chart. Thus, even if the

mountain stars

arelocated at NE and W:

check to see whether the

mountain star(s) can be

activated in the garden.

For example, outside of the

home garden, create a mountain


If so, the sum-of-ten can

still be effected, here. Thus,

sum-of-ten can still be


Please see below:-

On 1/27/2005 7:21:04 PM, pam landin

Dear Master Lee:
Thank you

very much for your

response. My
husband and

I are looking at
this new

house. Its
facing is

SW1which is


sectors that have

star8 (NE) and

star 9 (W) have

windows. This

these mountain stars cannot

1) Will

this (being
notable to activate

mountain stars) diminish

good effect of the


Please see above.

2) Should


houseeven if

we cannot
activate the


is worse is if there is a water feature

e.g. swimming pool or pond outside this

immediate area.

If so, it is a worst case senario where

water drowns the mountain. Thus,

negating the sum-of-ten.

The NE sector is the back of

house where the backyard
is flat for

a few yards and
then gradually

upward.This is quite

common sight for a home. What is more

important is where the drainage out of

the property is. Or the point where the

water exits the home.

3) Since the mountain

8 in this sector cannot
be activated

because of the
window and sliding

can this sloping upward

in the
backyard be considered

mountain?Since this

is the back of the house, either

landscaping or a concrete wall can

"activate" the mountain star or the

tortise support.

4) I'd also like to know

this sloping upward in the

has any good effect
on the mountain

star 8 even if
it cannot be

activated?The sloping upward is

favourable. But often to activate a

mountain, it should preferably be as

high as the window opening i.e. if there

is a window behind; the test is to stand

inside the house looking out of the

window. If we totally cannot see any

view out of it (because of the high back

wall) then, this is a mountain.Warmest


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  • Staff

Dear Pam,

A ditch is considered as drainage in a home. And should not be confused with the "water-on-mountain" theory such as whether it negates the sum-of-ten or not.

What above means is that simply any water feature (not ditch) found on a mountain star particularly under this Period 8 : Mountain Star #8 (current prosperity) or Mountain Star #9 (future prosperity).

In particular if "water-is-on-this-mountain" water on #8 location, then this will affect one's lottery, human relationship / networking luck.

For a water star #8 it refers to earned luck and general prosperity of a home.

In your case, it is best to look at the Chinese compass school of whether there is actual wealth leaking out of the home from the property.

For example:

Please go view the two Ba Gua or Pakua templates:-

Visualise :

1. The First Heaven Sequence Ba Gua chart
2. TheLast Heaven Sequence Ba Gua chart

STEP 1: Use a compass to determine the facing direction of your home.

STEP 2: Determine where(if any) water position flows into or thru your property.

Here, for example if your home is a South facing home.

The key to understandingwhether wealth is retained or flow outis the idea that:

For examplefor aSouth facing house:

If water enters from the HEAVENtrigram under the First HeavenSequence chart, it MUST notEXIT out of the Last Heaven Sequence's HEAVEN trigram.

Thus we can similarly say:

If waterin the above e.g. enters from South, it should notexit toNW as found under the Last Heaven Sequence trigram.


The home is facing EAST.

Under the First Heaven Sequence chart, East is"FIRE". Thus inthis property, a ditch or water should not exit towards South under the Last Heaven Sequence chart which has the "FIRE" trigram.


If the home is facing SW.

Water flows into the property from NE which under the First Heaven Sequence chart is "THUNDER". Thus, it would be very unfavourable if there is a drainage or ditch exiting this propertytowards EAST under the Last Heaven Sequence chart where this is also "THUNDER".

This is a simple analogy of how to apply Water classics under the Compass School of Feng Shui.

Warmest Regards,

On 2/6/2005 12:11:00 AM, Anonymous wrote:

Dear Master Cecil:

Thank you very much for your


1) Regarding your

response that if there was a

water feature in the backyard

where the moutain star is,

this would negate the

sum-of-ten effect. Since

the back yardof this

house is sloping upward, the

builder had installed a

"concrete drainageditch"

right behind the fence of the

property's boundary, so that

water comingfrom the

higherground above will

flow into this ditch, and

won't flood the backyard,

should there bea big

rain storm. Is this

ditch considered bad fengshui?

2) The front of the

house has a storm drain which

is right below the


This storm drain has an

opening about 4 feet

wide. This

openingis between the

driveways of this house and of

the next-door neighbor's

house. Is this storm

drain considered bad fengshui?

Thank you very much for your



Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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