myfs_100950 Posted February 15, 2005 Share Posted February 15, 2005 Dear Master Cecil LeeRead fromone of the book that fan are not encourage to place above the head or bed. As it may fall off or bad for health. I have a fanin our living room which is attheceiling.Is there any ill effect.Thank youWith warmest regardsSophia Chia Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted February 20, 2005 Staff Share Posted February 20, 2005 Dear Sophia,Frankly, it is often wise not to read too many "wrong books". And often reading too many may result in "forcing" us into following too many silly "taboos".The key fundamental thing that all of us must remember that we are in this earth for a relatively short period and too many of such taboos can "ruined" our otherwise convenient life.Take the silly case of the idea that " we must not place a tv set facing our bed" or must cover it day in day out".In past forum messages, I had mentioned that if the argument was that the tv screen is like a reflective mirror. Some wise guy would say that when we sleep, our spirit wake up, see itself in the mirror, got a shock!But what happen if our spirit wakes up, would like to check his/her hair or face before going off roaming around..All these have to do with "tolerance" levels. Some of us can sleep very well with mirrors all round e.g. on the wardrope etc.. but some of us feel uncomfortable (perhaps -- thanks to the thought put into their head of the first story). It is like some of us can eat very hot chili-peppers while others cannot.And if we look at the new monitor screens such as LCD monitors, we can hardly see our profile in it!The key to Feng Shui is also about qi flow. Besides placing our furniture based on good Feng Shui practises, it is also good to have air circulating within a room or home. Thus also has the feel good factor (cooling) and often good for both qi flow and human luck factors (feel comfortable).How often do we see a fan crashing down on us? Often the fan is securely tied to the ceiling. And rarely if ever we hear of one falling down and "killing" someone. Perhaps, many more people would die ina car accident rather than being hit or injured or killed by a ceiling fan.Again, fundamentally, the same statement applies:YOU STAY HERE, WE (Geomancers) DON'T!Warmest Regards,Cecil Quote On 2/15/2005 7:44:09 PM, Anonymous wrote:Dear Master Cecil LeeRead fromone of the bookthat fan are not encourage toplace above the head or bed.As it may fall off or bad forhealth. I have a faninour living room which isattheceiling.;Is there any ill effect.Thank youWith warmest regardsSophia Chia Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted May 2, 2013 Staff Share Posted May 2, 2013 Frankly, this has more to do with common sense than Feng Shui.... Quote On 2/20/2005 8:52:06 PM, Anonymous wrote:Dear Sophia,Frankly, it is often wise notto read too many "wrongbooks". And often reading toomany may result in "forcing"us into following too manysilly "taboos".The key fundamental thing thatall of us must remember thatwe are in this earth for arelatively short period andtoo many of such taboos can"ruined" our otherwiseconvenient life.Take the silly case of theidea that " we must not placea tv set facing our bed" ormust cover it day in day out".In past forum messages, I hadmentioned that if the argumentwas that the tv screen is likea reflective mirror. Some wiseguy would say that when wesleep, our spirit wake up, seeitself in the mirror, got ashock!But what happen if our spiritwakes up, would like to checkhis/her hair or face beforegoing off roaming around..All these have to do with"tolerance" levels. Some of uscan sleep very well withmirrors all round e.g. on thewardrope etc.. but some of usfeel uncomfortable (perhaps --thanks to the thought put intotheir head of the firststory). It is like some of uscan eat very hot chili-pepperswhile others cannot.And if we look at the newmonitor screens such as LCDmonitors, we can hardly seeour profile in it!The key to Feng Shui is alsoabout qi flow. Besides placingour furniture based on goodFeng Shui practises, it isalso good to have aircirculating within a room orhome. Thus also has the feelgood factor (cooling) andoften good for both qi flowand human luck factors (feelcomfortable).How often do we see a fancrashing down on us? Often thefan is securely tied to theceiling. And rarely if ever wehear of one falling down and"killing" someone. Perhaps,many more people would dieina car accident ratherthan being hit or injured orkilled by a ceiling fan.Again, fundamentally, the samestatement applies:YOU STAYHERE, WE (Geomancers) DON'T!Warmest Regards,CecilOn 2/15/2005 7:44:09 PM, Sophia Chiawrote:Dear Master Cecil LeeReadfromone of the bookthat fanare not encourage toplace above thehead or bed.As it may fall off orbad forhealth. I have afaninour living room whichisattheceiling.;;Is there any ill effect.ThankyouWith warmest regardsSophiaChia Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted May 18, 2015 Staff Share Posted May 18, 2015 Under symbolism in Feng Shui, this fan's trio (three) blades are considered "too distinctive-sharp". Thus, ideally, best to avoid such a fan blade design in the bedroom. Does this design reminds one of a ships propeller? Quote On 5/2/2013 8:47:27 AM, Anonymous wrote:Frankly, this has more to do with commonsense than Feng Shui.... On 2/20/20058:52:06 PM, Cecil Lee wrote:DearSophia,Frankly, it is often wisenotto read too many "wrongbooks". And often reading toomany may result in "forcing"usinto following too manysilly"taboos".The key fundamental thingthatall of us must remember thatwe are in this earth for arelatively short period andtoomany of such taboos can"ruined" ourotherwiseconvenient life.Takethe silly case of theidea that " wemust not placea tv set facing ourbed" ormust cover it day in dayout".In past forum messages, I hadmentioned that if the argumentwas that the tv screen is likeareflective mirror. Some wiseguywould say that when wesleep, ourspirit wake up, seeitself in themirror, got ashock!But whathappen if our spiritwakes up, wouldlike to checkhis/her hair or facebeforegoing off roaming around..All these have to do with"tolerance" levels. Some of uscan sleep very well withmirrorsall round e.g. on thewardrope etc..but some of usfeel uncomfortable(perhaps --thanks to the thoughtput intotheir head of the firststory). It is like some of uscan eat very hot chili-pepperswhile others cannot.And if welook at the newmonitor screens suchas LCDmonitors, we can hardly seeour profile in it!The key toFeng Shui is alsoabout qi flow.Besides placingour furniture basedon goodFeng Shui practises, it isalso good to have aircirculating within a room orhome. Thus also has the feelgood factor (cooling) andoftengood for both qi flowand human luckfactors (feelcomfortable).Howoften do we see a fancrashing downon us? Often thefan is securelytied to theceiling. And rarely ifever wehear of one falling down and"killing" someone. Perhaps,manymore people would dieina caraccident ratherthan being hit orinjured orkilled by a ceiling fan.Again, fundamentally, the samestatement applies:YOU STAYHERE,WE (Geomancers) DON'T!WarmestRegards,CecilOn 2/15/2005 7:44:09PM, Sophia Chiawrote:DearMaster Cecil LeeReadfromone of the bookthatfanare not encourage toplaceabove thehead or bed.As it mayfall off orbad forhealth. Ihave afaninour livingroom whichisattheceiling.;;;Is there any illeffect.ThankyouWith warmestregardsSophiaChia Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted August 17, 2015 Staff Share Posted August 17, 2015 These fan blades are sloped upwards at the tip. Most likely these fan blades take the cue from the latest air-planes that have curved tips also. Quote On 5/18/2015 6:57:43 PM, Anonymous wrote:Under symbolism in Feng Shui, this fan'strio (three) blades are considered "toodistinctive-sharp". Thus, ideally, bestto avoid such a fan blade design in thebedroom.Does this design reminds one ofa ships propeller?On 5/2/2013 8:47:27AM, Cecil Lee wrote:Frankly, thishas more to do with commonsense thanFeng Shui.... On 2/20/20058:52:06PM, Cecil Lee wrote:DearSophia,Frankly, it is often wisenotto read too many"wrongbooks". And often readingtoomany may result in "forcing"usinto following too manysilly"taboos".The keyfundamental thingthatall of usmust remember thatwe are in thisearth for arelatively shortperiod andtoomany of suchtaboos can"ruined" ourotherwiseconvenient life.Takethesilly case of theidea that "wemust not placea tv set facingourbed" ormust cover it day indayout".In past forum messages,I hadmentioned that if theargumentwas that the tv screenis likeareflective mirror. Somewiseguywould say that when wesleep, ourspirit wake up, seeitself in themirror, got ashock!But whathappen if ourspiritwakes up, wouldlike tocheckhis/her hair or facebeforegoing off roamingaround..All these have to dowith"tolerance" levels. Some ofuscan sleep very well withmirrorsall round e.g. on thewardrope etc..but some of usfeel uncomfortable(perhaps --thanks to the thoughtput intotheir head of thefirststory). It is like some ofuscan eat very hotchili-pepperswhile otherscannot.And if welook at the newmonitor screens suchas LCDmonitors, we can hardlyseeour profile in it!Thekey toFeng Shui is alsoabout qiflow.Besides placingourfurniture basedon goodFeng Shuipractises, it isalso good tohave aircirculating within aroom orhome. Thus also has thefeelgood factor (cooling) andoftengood for both qi flowand human luckfactors (feelcomfortable).Howoften do wesee a fancrashing downon us?Often thefan is securelytied totheceiling. And rarely ifeverwehear of one falling downand"killing" someone. Perhaps,manymore people would dieina caraccident ratherthan being hit orinjured orkilled by a ceilingfan.Again, fundamentally, thesamestatement applies:YOU STAYHERE,WE (Geomancers) DON'T!WarmestRegards,CecilOn2/15/2005 7:44:09PM, Sophia Chiawrote:DearMaster CecilLeeReadfromone of thebookthatfanare notencourage toplaceabove thehead or bed.As it mayfalloff orbad forhealth. Ihaveafaninour livingroomwhichisattheceiling.;;;Is there anyilleffect.ThankyouWithwarmestregardsSophiaChia Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted March 27, 2017 Staff Share Posted March 27, 2017 In reality taboos are not Feng Shui. But "bad things" are always blamed on Feng Shui... Nevermind... so be it Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Cecil Lee Posted July 31, 2024 Staff Share Posted July 31, 2024 Related: What misconceptions exist regarding the use of ceiling fans in Feng Shui? Are ceiling fans considered appropriate for bedrooms? And what about having one above a dining table? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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