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Edited by Robert: Please avoid posting duplicate posts of the same questions. This makes our admin more difficult, as such users who post duplicate questions will given low priority in any response. There are so many questions posted each day, it will take time for us to clear each and everyone of them. Posting duplicate question only show your urgency for answer and only add more work for us to clean up.

I have this combination in my chart house. Does anyone know what is this or help me with it? Any help will be appreciated it.Evil or Very Mad


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Dear Mark,

This is one of the many "Concept Names" given to a situation in flying star concept where the problem star is also a wealth feature for that sector.

For example, as everyone knows Star 5 for example is a Strong Earth star. On its own it is an inaupicious star.

But when there is like a Star 8 (Earth Auspicious Star) and Star6 (Metal Auspicious Star) and that when star 5 occurs in such a sector especially as an annual star, this star 5 because it is Earth makes Star 8 stronger. Thus, is something like giving more wealth to the sector.

This is further enhanced if a Five Element Combination Flow can be achieved either by:- Fire -

Earth -
Metal or by Earth -
Metal -

Frankly, most of these concepts names are actually deduced from the five element concepts. If you know the five element relationship between the numbers, it does not matter at all what the concept is called, you will know that the best way to enhance the sector is by adding an element that is missing to complete this Five Element Combination Flow. This greatly reduces the complexity to remember all the various concept names of which are basically derived from the five element concepts.

This is why on our website from day one, we simply employ only the five element as the primary concept in analysing the flying star as well as the suggestion of cures.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

On 2/19/2005 7:34:37 PM, Anonymous wrote:

Edited by Robert: Please avoid

posting duplicate posts of the

same questions. This makes our

admin more difficult, as such

users who post duplicate

questions will given low

priority in any response.

There are so many questions

posted each day, it will take

time for us to clear each and

everyone of them. Posting

duplicate question only show

your urgency for answer and

only add more work for us to

clean up.

I have this combination in my

chart house. Does anyone know

what is this or help me with

it? Any help will be

appreciated it.


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