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Dear Master Lee,

Out of interests, I have beenrearing some fishes and one lobster formonths.I wish theywould be good to me, and I would like to ask a favour from you for the following questions.

1) I learntfrom you that the best numbers of fish to be reared are 1, 4, 6, 9. Does it countthe other kindslike lobster or crab or turtle? Is it good to rear such kinds of animals?

2)The tank is placed in my study/store room, which is at the north of the flat. The tank is placed along the wall in the north facing south. Is it an ideal place?

Thank you very much.

Alex Chan

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Dear Alex,

Please see below:-

On 2/20/2005 8:27:17 AM, Anonymous wrote:

Dear Master Lee,

Out of interests, I have

beenrearing some fishes

and one lobster


wish theywould be good

to me, and I would like to ask

a favour from you for the

following questions.

1) I learntfrom you that

the best numbers of fish to be

reared are 1, 4, 6, 9.

Does it countthe other

kindslike lobster or

crab or turtle? Is it good to

rear such kinds of animals

In my opinion, the numbers should not be taken too religiously.

I really can't explain it, but often, there is a difference between a true hobbist as opposed to someone who places a fish tank just because they were told that it is auspicious.

Most likely, in my opinion, one (a hobbist) is based on passion! And perhaps this could be part of our passion could be translated to Human or man luck factors. Such as feel satisfied, good factors.

While perhaps someone who has been "force" or "told" to place a fish tank perhaps may not have such a passion.

Therefore, for collectors or hobbist, I always feel that this is not as important.

2)The tank is placed in

my study/store room, which is

at the north of the

flat. The tank is placed

along the wall in the north

facing south. Is it an

ideal place?

Frankly, there are two ways on going about it:

1. Personal intuition or
2. Feng Shui

Since your question is based primarily on Feng Shui, Shapes and Forms Feng Shui where it is often acceptable to place a water position at clear space locations e.g. the living room area or a specific location e.g. a separate room.

For the study, usually if it is used for work or study; it is often better not to have a fish tank, here as the sound coming from the tank etc.. could break one's concentration.

However, if you are able to do a Flying Star Feng Shui chart; this would be bestto determine the bestor appropriate locationfor the fish tank.

Warmest Regards,

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net

Master Cecil Lee, Geomancy.Net
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