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Dear Master Lee,

Please help. I wasborn 24-2-1971, male. My birth element is Weak Metal. I have few questions to ask, please need your honourable advise :

1.About dressing code,is the color also applyto pants/trousers or just the shirt ?

2. Seems like my heaven luck pretty much against me all along my productive age. So I have tried to change my sleeping & working position. But it becomes weird looking. Please advise.

3. Also, if I change the position but my house (main entrance) direction still in the bad position, can they affect my luck ?

3. What is EXCELLENT direction ? Is it the combination of Longevity+Prosperity+Health ?

Thank you Master Lee.

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On 3/3/2005 7:45:24 PM, Anonymous wrote:

1.About dressing

code,is the color also

applyto pants/trousers

or just the shirt ?

Typically, for guys the shirt would be enough. Especially, if you are working, almost everyone will wear black colour pants, which only allows for your shirt to be of your favourable colour. This is good enough for most. Of course, it would be ideal if your pants can also be of your favourable colour.

2. Seems like my heaven

luck pretty much against me

all along my productive age.

So I have tried to change my

sleeping & working

position. But it becomes weird

looking. Please advise.

Shapes and form placement of the bed is still ultimately more important. The only way you can improve you luck is other areas such as your house element, your career, yourspouse/family member/friends etc.

3. Also, if I change the

position but my house (main

entrance) direction still in

the bad position, can they

affect my luck ?

Unfortunately, if the house direction is still in your bad position, then you will not enjoy the luck. That is why a good and suitable house is very important. In such, cases most people will eventually have to look into looking for a new house that is more suitable in order to gain quantum leap in feng shui. That is why the external surrounding of a house is so important.

3. What is EXCELLENT

direction ? Is it the

combination of

Longevity+Prosperity+Health ?

No, under the Eight House direction, there are simply 4 good and 4 bad directions. Excellent does not mean it is Longevity+Prosperity+Health. It is just one of the 4 directions. As long as your home falls under any of this 4 directions, it means the house is suitable to you.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

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