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Dear Master Robert/Cecil,

My son, who born in 6/9/2000 at 3.30pm. When he was born, he is quite a big & healthy baby. Started from the age of 1 year till now, he always fall sick such as flu, cough, fever.Despite havingfollowed doctor's advice to give more nutrition supplement/food, but his health condition remains weak. He falls sick 8 to 9 times in a year and each time must repeat consulting doctor for 2 to 3 times.

I'm not sure is it due to his bedroom fengshui or his name. I've done a ba zhi analysis under your website which show my son is a weak fire person. His chinese name is "Wei Jia". "Wei" denoteproud and"Kiat" denote prominent/outstanding. Hesleeps with me in aking size bed and this bed is in between oftwo tallwardrobes. The bed islocated at the southof my house which has theflying starWS#1 BS#2 MS#3. My house is facing SE2.

I would appreciate if you could kindly give some advice.


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i couldn't pass your post without commenting-i don't know about the feng shui affecting your child, but i wanted to let you know that if he's being treated with antibiotics each time, that his recurring illnesses may be due to the "rebound" effect of the medicine. antibiotics not only kill bad bacteria, they kill good bacteria and intestinal flora as well, leaving the body very vunerable andopen to reinfection.

you might try giving him acidolphillus supplements-available in the refridgerator section of your local natural/ health food store. they're safe to give to infants-i have a 2.5 year old that takes a children's chewable version daily, since she was a year old. i take it myself as well.

a good yogurt, like yobaby brand,has these good bacteria as well, though not in as high a concentration.

just be sure and give it at least an hour after giving antibiotics.

i hope you get a helpful reply to your feng shui question.

good luck, and i hope that your son improves soon,


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