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Edited by Robert: I am letting this post go through as we didn't have a forum posting rules at our post page for new users to be aware of. Usually posting all date and time of birth has implications of almost asking us to do a full analysis. Even though, this case mainquestions aren't of that nature so I am allowing it.


I am very new to this forum. I have heard that if the stove is at the North its bad for wealth.

We have recently purchased an apartment on the third floor of a 12 floor building. Our main door is on the North and the kitchen is on the North-North West. The stove is also on the North-North-West. Is this bad ? I cannot change the direction of the stove as it is an apartment, is there any other suggestion to make a correction for this ?

My kitchen sink is on the North-West -West direction and the utility sink is on the North- North West direction. Is this correct ? Since I will not be able to change their positions, what are the suggestions for corrections of these ?

Yourprompt reply will be a great help.

Although I am not sure how does it affect, but I have heard that the Birth dates also have an impact on these calculations, hence providing the details below :

Myself (Madhulika Sharan); B'date : 26th March 1971; Time : 6:05 pm (IST); Place : Kolkata, India; KUA No: 4 (pls confirm whether this is correct)

My Husband (Abhay Sharan); B'date: 14th April 1965; Time: 4:20 pm (IST); Place: Dhanbad, India; KUA No: 8 (pls confirm whether this is correct)

My Son (Tanmay Tushar); B'date:9th April 2000 (premature born in the 7th month); Time: 7:46 am (IST); Place: New Delhi, India; KUA No: 9 (pls confirm whether this is correct)

Your prompt reply will be of great help to me.



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