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Mr Lee,

My house number is 15731. I wanted to build a new residence here this year (2005)as the lot (an acre) is nice but the existing house too small and in need of repair. When I checked the number the resultswere a lot of negative infomation including injuries to the arms and legs.

Is there something I can add to this number to change these negative effects?

Thank you, kindly!


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Dear Kathie,

Firstly, you should understand a few issues about house number:-

1. House number isn't the most important aspect of a home. Meaning that the more important factor about luck of a home comes from the surrounding and the interior layout of the house itself.

2. Auspicious Number can be explained in many different ways. ie 4 to the Chinese especially Canonese is Die, but to some like the 4 leave clover is good luck. So how you perceive a number really depends on the individual. Some people like 4 others don't.

3. Sometimes, people look at house number the way it sounds or looking for numbers often associated with good luck like (6 in chinese is often means luck). Or in period 8, 8 is considered a very good number so it is ideal.

4. Usually, house number is looked at after you confirmed the house layout and location. Meaning that say if you are still looking for a new house, and here are two units available which is exactly the same. Then you look at the house number in attempt to see which is sounds better.

Thus, there are many ways at looking at a number. Unless, you have the luxuary of changing the given house number, then there isn't much you can do about the number. But as mentioned, house number isn't the final determining factor for a house luck. So don't worry too much about it.

Focus, on the house external surrounding and interior layout. Make sure the house fits and suits the people that is going to stay there. This is much more important.

Hope that helps.

Warmest Regards
Robert Lee
GEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research

On 3/5/2005 7:31:44 PM, Anonymous wrote:

Mr Lee,

My house number is 15731. I

wanted to build a new

residence here this year

(2005)as the lot (an acre) is

nice but the existing house

too small and in need of

repair. When I checked the

number the resultswere a

lot of negative infomation

including injuries to the arms

and legs.

Is there something I can

add to this number to change

these negative effects?

Thank you, kindly!


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