myfs_104036 Posted March 14, 2005 Share Posted March 14, 2005 hiee there..just wanna check ...if i am a weak water person...therefore i need to enhance it with metal?so whats are the ways that i can enhance with .. with my current situation... weak water person means the person can emjoy the benefits of the wealth which comes from the element of fire? Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Robert Lee Posted March 15, 2005 Staff Share Posted March 15, 2005 Dear Wing Seng Lee, Quote On 3/14/2005 2:16:58 AM, Anonymous wrote:hiee there..just wanna check ..if i am a weak waterperson...therefore i need to enhance it with metal?Yes, as a weak Water person, it means generally you lack either Metal or Water. How much exactly, really depends on what is the percentage of five element you have. Say if you have lots more Metal (ie 40%) than Water (5%), that means you need more Water than Metal. But generally, as a weak Water, you need metal or water to make you whats are the ways that i can enhance with .. Relate the five elements to the various colours, career, directions etc. Then enhance from as many areas in your life so as to make yourself stronger.For example, Metal career can be accountacy, Water caeer communications etc. So having a job that is your favourable elements will improve your luck. In addition, if you have a house facing North (Water) house, you again draw luck from your home.You luck also changes from time to time so different elements are present at different time. Whenever, elements favourable to you fall in your 10-year, year, 6-month, month, day etc, you will tend to find things going more smoothly for you.Check out this useful talk notes which we provide on our talks:-URL: Quote with my current situation... weak water person means the person can emjoy the benefits of the wealth which comes from the element of fire?As a weak water person, that means that you have to first make yourself strong before you can control your wealth element. Thus, only when you have sufficient Metal and Water, will you be strong enough, then when you meet your Wealth (Fire), you will be able to control it. So it does not mean you cannot enjoy it, just that you need to work harder to ensure you are strong enough before you can benefit from your wealth element.Hope that helps.Warmest RegardsRobert LeeGEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_104036 Posted March 17, 2005 Share Posted March 17, 2005 Thank for your advise.... i am currently working in banking industry....and i assume banking is relater to metal and currently i am not doing tat well in this particular industry...?can u please advise on this?and whats the information you need in order to analyza my situation? Quote On 3/15/2005 7:34:30 AM, Anonymous wrote:Dear Wing Seng Lee,On 3/14/2005 2:16:58 AM, Wing Seng Leewrote:hiee there..just wanna check..if i am a weak waterperson...therefore i need to enhanceit with metal?Yes, as a weak Water person, it meansgenerally you lack either Metal orWater. How much exactly, really dependson what is the percentage of fiveelement you have. Say if you have lotsmore Metal (ie 40%) than Water (5%),that means you need more Water thanMetal. But generally, as a weak Water,you need metal or water to make whats are the ways that i canenhance with ..Relate the five elements to the variouscolours, career, directions etc. Thenenhance from as many areas in your lifeso as to make yourself stronger.For example, Metal career can beaccountacy, Water caeer communicationsetc. So having a job that is yourfavourable elements will improve yourluck.In addition, if you have a house facingNorth (Water) house, you again draw luckfrom your home.You luck also changes from time to timeso different elements are present atdifferent time. Whenever, elementsfavourable to you fall in your 10-year,year, 6-month, month, day etc, you willtend to find things going more smoothlyfor you.Check out this useful talk notes whichwe provide on our talks:-URL: my current situation... weakwater person means the person can emjoythe benefits of the wealth which comesfrom the element of fire?As a weak water person, that means thatyou have to first make yourself strongbefore you can control your wealthelement. Thus, only when you havesufficient Metal and Water, will you bestrong enough, then when you meet yourWealth (Fire), you will be able tocontrol it.So it does not mean you cannot enjoy it,just that you need to work harder toensure you are strong enough before youcan benefit from your wealth element.Hope that helps.Warmest RegardsRobert LeeGEOMANCY.NET -Center for Applied Feng Shui Research Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
Staff Robert Lee Posted March 17, 2005 Staff Share Posted March 17, 2005 Dear Wing Seng Lee,Frankly, there are many issues that need to be looked at when you want to know why you are facing problems.1. Heaven Luck only gives you an idea what luck you are supposed to have and what elements are generally favourable or unfavourable to you. You also have to know what percentage of elements you have to that you can fine tune as many areas to be suitable to you. 2. Job Industry and Job scope also makes a big difference. ie say you are in the banking industry (Metal), but if you job scope is management or customer relationship (Earth), if you are in sales or marketing (Fire) or if your in IT (metal).3. In addition, for those that are always having problems, our experiences tells us often it could be the Earth Luck (your Home) which could be the major cause of your problems. ie if the house is not suitable to you, or that your home has very bad feng shui then you will also have very bad feng shui even though your ba zi luck may be excellent. Sometimes, it can also be bad home feng shui as well as house problem.Hope that helps.Warmest RegardsRobert LeeGEOMANCY.NET - Center for Applied Feng Shui Research Quote On 3/17/2005 9:03:21 AM, Anonymous wrote:Thank for your advise.... i amcurrently working in bankingindustry....and i assumebanking is relater to metaland currently i amnot doing tat well in thisparticular industry...?can u please advise on this?and whats the information youneed in order to analyza mysituation?On 3/15/2005 7:34:30 AM, Robert Leewrote:Dear Wing Seng Lee,On3/14/2005 2:16:58 AM, Wing SengLeewrote:hiee there..just wannacheck..if i am a weakwaterperson...therefore i needto enhanceit with metal?Yes, asa weak Water person, itmeansgenerally you lack either MetalorWater. How much exactly, reallydependson what is the percentage offiveelement you have. Say if youhave lotsmore Metal (ie 40%) thanWater (5%),that means you need moreWater thanMetal. But generally, as aweak Water,you need metal or waterto make whatsare the ways that i canenhance with..Relate the five elements to thevariouscolours, career, directionsetc. Thenenhance from as many areasin your lifeso as to make yourselfstronger.For example, Metal careercan beaccountacy, Water caeercommunicationsetc. So having a jobthat is yourfavourable elements willimprove yourluck.In addition, ifyou have a house facingNorth (Water)house, you again draw luckfrom yourhome.You luck also changes from timeto timeso different elements arepresent atdifferent time. Whenever,elementsfavourable to you fall inyour 10-year,year, 6-month, month,day etc, you willtend to find thingsgoing more smoothlyfor you.Checkout this useful talk notes whichweprovide on ourtalks:-URL: my current situation...weakwater person means the personcan emjoythe benefits of the wealthwhich comesfrom the element offire?As a weak water person, thatmeans thatyou have to first makeyourself strongbefore you cancontrol your wealthelement. Thus,only when you havesufficient Metaland Water, will you bestrong enough,then when you meet yourWealth(Fire), you will be able tocontrolit.So it does not mean you cannotenjoy it,just that you need to workharder toensure you are strongenough before youcan benefit fromyour wealth element.Hope thathelps.Warmest RegardsRobertLeeGEOMANCY.NET -Center for AppliedFeng Shui Research Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
myfs_104036 Posted March 20, 2005 Share Posted March 20, 2005 Thank for everything. But how do i know is the house suitable for me a not?My Date of birth is 19 July 1980 born between 12 ++ am....can u tell please tell me what am i really lacking off? and how come i am not in a very smooth condition on whatever the things i am doing? Quote On 3/17/2005 9:15:31 AM, Anonymous wrote:Dear Wing Seng Lee,Frankly, there are many issuesthat need to be looked at whenyou want to know why you arefacing problems.1. Heaven Luck only gives youan idea what luck you aresupposed to have and whatelements are generallyfavourable or unfavourable toyou. You also have to knowwhat percentage of elementsyou have to that you can finetune as many areas to besuitable to you.2. Job Industry and Job scopealso makes a big say you are in the bankingindustry (Metal), but if youjob scope is management orcustomer relationship (Earth),if you are in sales ormarketing (Fire) or if your inIT (metal).3. In addition, for those thatare always having problems,our experiences tells us oftenit could be the Earth Luck(your Home) which could be themajor cause of your if the house is notsuitable to you, or that yourhome has very bad feng shuithen you will also have verybad feng shui even though yourba zi luck may be excellent.Sometimes, it can also be badhome feng shui as well ashouse problem.Hope that helps.Warmest RegardsRobertLeeGEOMANCY.NET - Center forApplied Feng Shui ResearchOn 3/17/2005 9:03:21 AM, Wing Seng Leewrote:Thank for your advise.... iamcurrently working inbankingindustry....and iassumebanking is relater tometaland currently iamnot doing tat well inthisparticular industry...?can uplease advise on this?and whats theinformation youneed in order toanalyza mysituation?On3/15/2005 7:34:30 AM, RobertLeewrote:Dear Wing SengLee,On3/14/2005 2:16:58 AM, WingSengLeewrote:hieethere..just wannacheck..if i amaweakwaterperson...thereforei needto enhanceit withmetal?Yes, asa weak Waterperson, itmeansgenerally youlack either MetalorWater. Howmuch exactly, reallydependsonwhat is the percentageoffiveelement you have. Say ifyouhave lotsmore Metal (ie 40%)thanWater (5%),that means youneed moreWater thanMetal. Butgenerally, as aweak Water,youneed metal or waterto whatsarethe ways that i canenhancewith..Relate the five elementsto thevariouscolours, career,directionsetc. Thenenhance fromas many areasin your lifeso asto make yourselfstronger.Forexample, Metal careercanbeaccountacy, Watercaeercommunicationsetc. Sohaving a jobthat isyourfavourable elementswillimprove yourluck.Inaddition, ifyou have a housefacingNorth (Water)house, youagain draw luckfromyourhome.You luck also changesfrom timeto timeso differentelements arepresent atdifferenttime.Whenever,elementsfavourable toyou fall inyour 10-year,year,6-month, month,day etc, youwilltend to find thingsgoingmore smoothlyforyou.Checkout this useful talknotes whichweprovide onourtalks:-URL: my currentsituation...weakwater personmeans the personcan emjoythebenefits of the wealthwhichcomesfrom the elementoffire?As a weak water person,thatmeans thatyou have to firstmakeyourself strongbefore youcancontrol your wealthelement.Thus,only when youhavesufficient Metaland Water,will you bestrong enough,thenwhen you meet yourWealth(Fire),you will be abletocontrolit.So it does notmean you cannotenjoy it,justthat you need to workhardertoensure you are strongenoughbefore youcan benefit fromyourwealth element.Hopethathelps.WarmestRegardsRobertLeeGEOMANCY.NET-Center for AppliedFeng ShuiResearch Link to post Share on other sites More sharing options...
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